View Full Version : Pop Quiz - What's Going On In These Pix?
02-11-2018, 03:20 PM
1. What attaches here?
2. Am I missing something. Or what threads into here?
3. Who makes aftermarket air filters for this bike besides K&N?
Lastly, and for double points, why might I have a silver bell cable-tied to my radiator bracket?
Thanks for playing.
02-11-2018, 08:01 PM
#1-an add-on. no idea
#3-uni and a few others. K&N tried and proven with lifetime warranty
$4-this thing right here.....
02-12-2018, 08:33 AM
A+ lunatic. I can't believe there's actually a story behind the bell.
I'll investigate the rearset opening further and report back if I figure out what it is.
02-16-2018, 10:48 AM
A+ lunatic. I can't believe there's actually a story behind the bell.
I'll investigate the rearset opening further and report back if I figure out what it is.
yes sir my pleasure. if this 1125 is a recent purchase by you then clearly the PO unfamiliar with the gremlin bell and its rich history. he failed to remove it.
02-22-2018, 03:14 AM
I reckon that's bad luck, not to remove your gremlin bell.
02-22-2018, 01:47 PM
Never remove it after midnight! .i&w=970&h=545&client=safari&bih=612&biw=1280&q=gremlins&ved=0ahUKEwi3q9GXi7rZAhUM0WMKHTnPDiUQMwiCAigMMAw&iact=mrc&uact=8
OK, how in the HECK do you copy/paste from google images anymore!?! Lame...
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