To answer you question "Why put a Uly seat on a SS" ? I had a Uly and could ride it all day in comfort, the seat worked great for me, I just didn't like the height of the Uly and really like the lightning stance better. That said, I loved the Uly's adjustable backrest too and even like the looks of Lightnings set up like this - call me weird but It appeals to me. I have the complete Uly Tail and plastic rear fender assembly, no Uly side rails, but I have a brand new Uly low seat too. I have looked on the Twin Site of "Torque Hammer" and looked closely at the side rails of the 2 bikes, their part #'s are very close but not exactly the same. It looks like quite a bit of cutting will be required of the "front" of the Uly tail assembly to allow it to fit with the SS rails. I do have the entire rear of my bike stripped down to just the SS rails and am looking for advice from someone who has done this or has seen it done and how it was done. Any advice or direction would be greatly appreciated Cooter and thank you for directing me to the "Twin" site!