Riding Wet... ok or stupid idea? You tell me...

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Jun 27, 2007
So as I'm about to buy my very first bike, a Buell, naturally, I'm wondering about riding in wet weather or on wet roads.

Its been raining almost everyday in Austin, and some parts north and south of us are flooding. Now I don't propose to ride in that kind of weather, but in general, how do y'all feel about riding wet?

I have a friend that would ride through a tsunami without concern, but wet roads and idiot drivers concern me.

Any advice on this? Am I nervous for nothing?
I personally dont do it unless I get caught in it. Even then if it looks like rain I dont ride. I don't get scared, because the bikes will still perform, you just have to take it a bit easier than normal. I just hate being pelted with raindrops, and getting soaked, plus I'm anal about cleaning my bike, so its a no go for me [cool]
If you get caught in the rain its not the end of the world. Can even be a nice change of pace. Twins are pretty good in the rain. But I don't put myself in that situation on purpose. I don't ride in it because people are bad enough drivers in perfect weather. I don't need some 16yr old kid who doesn't know rain makes it slippery to put me in a wheelchair. When it rains.....ride you bicycle.
Beth and I both ride year round except when there's snow or ice down. Buy a rain suit off of ebay and enjoy, just take it easy and steer clear of the standing water. You'd actually be amazed how good modern motorcycle tires are in the wet.
Thanks for all the advice! I think for now, due to the stoopid drivers in Austin, I'll wait and get more experience on dry roads.
well It all depends on the rider I live in tacoma washington. and as you all know it rains here more than not I took my safty class in a frickin down poor
for two days. it helped me ride in the rain later on.
so it all boils down to rider comfort
I agree, rider comfort.
I drove my bike off the lot with 20 km's on it and brand new tires on wet roads. Some ppl might say this is stupid, but it's just a matter of being an "assertive rider", don't break to hard, don't accelerate through a corner to hard, and be watching what is happening around you. As far as being "put in a wheel chair by another driver", call me cruel, but the way I see it, there are somethings we have no control over, you can be the most assertive rider in the world, but nobody's perfect...death is something that can blindside you!
So...rider Comfort!
I wont start off in the rain if i can help it, but to get caught in the rain on the way home from work is not a big deal. My firebolt puts out enough heat to keep me warm even if i am wet, and my Jacket is rain resistant so other than a bit of damp around my neck im ok. Of course im not going to try it in a hurricane, but normal Florida Rain showers arent too bad.
this is a funny topic. but for the record i ride year round also and have been in 6" of snow before :D but dont try that until you get some good experience...
I rode my old Yamaha 250 Enduro all year round in Kansas, Ice storms arent fun, but you can ride through them. Just be very careful braking. Nice thing was the bike was light enough that if you did drop it, you could pick it back up and keep going. I did that many times on the ice and snow.
ok CORRECTION on Florida weather, I got caught on the way home yesterday, It was raining so hard you couldnt see more than 2 cars ahead of you, was totally soaked before i could even stop and consider putting on my rain gear. serious cross winds on the bridges also. However, once i was off the main drag and traffic was lighter, it wasnt too bad, and when i could see again i enjoyed the rest of the rainy ride. Of course my gear will be drying for the next few days. Just remember to Close the top Vent on the helmet when it starts raining
i just got caught in the rain too, been riding for a whole 3 months, but surprisingly, it really wasnt bad!:D And i was wondering why the top of my head was getting wet, the top vent duh!!![confused]
yeah i forgot about the top vent until i leaned forward and the water ran down the inside of the face shield