2001 X1 Project

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Dec 5, 2020
Just picked up an 09 1125R and a 01 X1.

planning to put the 1125r rims and forks on the X1

after that, who knows, but I plan to post some of the progress here.

starting point....

here are a list of problems:

- oil leak up front somewhere
- wayyy too loud, has Vance's and Hines, no baffles whatsoever.
- runs terribly (last guy said he put a race map on it, included the cable)
- engine light turns on
- brakes are mushy
- has fuel pump and other odd and ends mounted incorrectly
- scratches on the subframe
- its yellow
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fork swap

I'd be interested in the front end if your swapping it out for the 1125 stuff.

So I may sell the forks and rims, but I also have a couple other bike projects... I may use the forks on my XS650 Café Racer. But If I do decide to sell I will certainly post it on this site.
Gonna mock up the whole bike before I do any major moves in the looks department....

fitting the XB rear rim...
bracket before.jpg
old bracket before sending it out to be modified.


I used this site, contacted them through email. Marc did a great job of communicating and ultimately providing great parts. I had to send mine in.

bracket after.jpg
Bracket and spacers came packaged very well and looking sharp.

rear fit.jpg
left side rear.jpg
right side rear.jpg
I am unsure what i am going to do with the belt, I am considering going to a chain conversion, but I have not looked into it enough yet.

next I will be putting on the 1125R Front end with an 1125CR top triple
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Gonna mock up the whole bike before I do any major moves in the looks department....

fitting the XB rear rim...
View attachment 14904
old bracket before sending it out to be modified.


I used this site, contacted them through email. Marc did a great job of communicating and ultimately providing great parts. I had to send mine in.

View attachment 14905
Bracket and spacers came packaged very well and looking sharp.

View attachment 14906
View attachment 14907
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I am unsure what i am going to do with the belt, I am considering going to a chain conversion, but I have not looked into it enough yet.

next I will be putting on the 1125R Front end with an 1125CR top triple

I think Marc offers a custom pulley that will work with this conversion. I'm not a fan of the chain conversion on these bikes. I've alo heard the 1125 forks are a better setup for these conversions in regards to steering radius.

I have done business with Marc in the past and he is a good guy. I just sent some parts out to him today.
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I did the XB wheel/fork upgrade on my M2. If you use a stock XB rear pulley, a 29T front pulley and a common 132T belt it puts the wheel in the right location for adjustment and the gearing is almost exactly the same as stock.
Yes, I gathered that Marc is a good guy, even though I only spoke to him on email he was communicative and smart. Many craftsmen have terrible email/text skills and often leave you wondering or annoyed at the terrible communication, Marc was not that.

Thank you for the belt drive advice, I am annoyed at myself, when I sold the 1125R I let the rear pully go with it. Simply due to the price of the new pully, I may do a chain conversion just for the saved money. But I am open to change, This is a fun bike for nice weather days, so the maintenance of the chain is not a worry, although the cleanliness of the belt is attractive.. idk
Part 1, front end swap

Putting a 1125R front end on a 2001 X1.

First off I bought a new stem for the 1125r Triple from:


stem mail.jpg

simply pressed out the old and in with the new:

press out.jpg
press in.jpg

No big deal. I did slightly bend the bolt on the lower triple because I was to hasty when I setup my support blocks. Simply support it better and perhaps tighten the fork bolts so they don't have room to bend.

Remove all of the old font end... tap out the old bearing races, never try to use new bearings on old races. Was a shame because it looks like these bearings looked new.

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part 2

getting the right parts Hot and the right Parts Cold is clutch for doing work like this:


....mmmm pizza bagels


Don't want to be looking for tools while things are defrosting or really hot!

... I did not realize that the steering stops on an X1 are just the frame. Literally there are just little pieces of foam on the tube where the forks hit. Very easy for Fork swaps! custom steering stops are not my favorite thing to make.

However I did have to use a different top triple, the stock 1125r top would not work, you would only be able to drive in straight lines due to the build in clip-ons hitting the fuel tank. I bought a 1125CR top triple from St. Paul Harley.

That did have its own problems... part of the triple hit a tab on the frame. i do not want to start modifying my frame... so triple it is:

top cut.jpg

... just used a cutting wheel on an angle grinder.

clear top.jpg

Came out pretty good, still has a little bolt hole there in case i want to mount something there.... I have no real plans for the front end yet.
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part 3, final fork swap

after that I just bolted it all in place. Like I said, I do not have any real plans yet for the front, that is my next project I think, not sure.

Dark forks.jpg

Sorry, pics are dark, will be more of the same pics as this continues

dark with wheel.jpg

... All I can say is that I love it. Looks awesome and should be a functional upgrade as well, I'm sure these brakes will feel a lot better.
other updates

I did end up buying that X1 race kit that was on Ebay for a while.. I am happy with the purchase... I do need a new K&N filter for it.... so if you have a fresh one, I will take it. this one is just old and pretty worn.

race kit, Ebay.jpg

I also bought an XB12R rear pully for about $35 shipped on Ebay, was so cheap I figured I might as well try it.

Stock is 61 teeth, the XB12 is 65.... I imagine it might fit. IDK, this is my first belt drive bike.


I am open to ideas for headlight mounts
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Looks like you're having fun!

I also bought an XB12R rear pully for about $35 shipped on Ebay, was so cheap I figured I might as well try it.

Stock is 61 teeth, the XB12 is 65.... I imagine it might fit. IDK, this is my first belt drive bike.

I told you I had one of those... The problem you might have is now finding the right length belt. These don't adjust, like a chain does.
I think you said you had an 1125r pully, Those are a bit larger, bunch more teeth I believe. The XB12R is only a 4 tooth difference... Ill try it after I get the bolts so that I can attach a handle bar to the bike and move it around again.


So what I assume is the stock front pully and stock belt... not sure, but they look stock? I do not know front pully or belt size.

I put the XB12R rear pully on, disconnected the rear shock and moved the swing arm through its full range of motion. Never did the belt get to tight. That should mean that it will work!

In the picture you can see the swing arm in its "tightest" position for the belt.

.. so take that for what it is worth, I will have to count teeth later to see what size they are.

gonna pull the swing arm off now so that I can prep and paint it along with the subframe.
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I’ve posted the pulley and belt combination you need twice now. You can lead a horse to water...

So what size is my belt? I do not see it written on it, and I'm not gonna sit here and count the teeth, also... it fits. So I'm gonna roll with that until their is a problem. I want to convert to a chain drive still eventually anyway.

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