Always low on oil on My Firebolt

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Apr 14, 2009
Hello all,

Can anyone please advise.
I've had my buell for 6 months now. I have noticed that it eats up a lot of oil. But no smoke comes out of my exhaust. So no oil burning. = i dont think.
I have just had an oil change 3 weeks ago.
I warm up my bike for 5 minute - 10 minutes.
Place the bike on side stand
Take out and wipe oil of the dipstick
And find after taking dipstick out no oild sticks on the distick,
But oil gets back on it after riding

Could it be just an oil leak?

Its Firebolt XB12R 04

Any tips would be much appreciated
you need to check the oil when its at operating temp which means riding it for 10-15min. Idling for 5-10min isn't long enough.
make sure you let the engine rest a few minutes before checking.

if you let it warm, most of the oil is pumped into the engine. it needs time to end up back into the swingarm.

go for a ride & have fun for about 30 minutes, go him, let it rest for about 10 minutes.
then unscrew the stick, clean, reinsert and check.
Well over a week ago. I rode the bike for at least 15 minutes or so. Rested for the bike for over 10 minutes to wait for a more of my friends. Before attempting to turn on the bike ,thought I'd check my oil level as I was going for a long ride. Checked it and wiped the dipstick and re-inserted it. Took it out and no oil stuck on it. The only time I see oil on the dipstick is right after I have ridden the bike and before wiping off the dipstick. I will try riding it longer and check again. Also there seems to be a tiny bit if oil on the left side of the bike near the clutch lever side. Maybe it's a tiny bit of oil leak? But for it to lose alot of oil I don't get! Really frustrating as I love taking the bike for a ride. I have taken it to local Harley davidson dealer for oil change and they didn't mention any oil leaks. Unless they did not look closely. I should hav mentioned it.
Sendo said:
Also there seems to be a tiny bit if oil on the left side of the bike near the clutch lever side
at the lever itself or at the entrance at the clutch cover?

when re-inserting, you do screw it on or not?
Its the top of the clutch cover. near the screws. there's tiny bit of oil residue. but that maybe just the transmission fluid? maybe?

when re-inserting I have screwed it back on and unscrew back out. till same result.
I have checked how to perform oil check on the service manual. and I dont think it is normal to lose oil that much in a short amount of time

I think over all I will just get in checked with the mechanics and check for any oil leaks.
2009 XB12R here. Am experiencing the same frustrations over checking and adding to the oil. Seems like the only time I can get a reading on the stick is when it’s hot, and just moments after shutting it off. Had the dealer do my first 1000 mile service. Rode it home and checked the oil….nothing on the dipstick. Rode it back to stealership the next day, and they topped it off enough to where it was on the stick after 10 mins. The service writer told me the Buell tech. said that the oil drains back toward the engine after sitting for some time. A thousand miles later and seems as if I have added a ½ quart since. So I don’t know where it’s going. Not leaking and not burning. Book says check hot, well how hot?? IS it still “hot” after it’s been sitting 10 mins.?? This may just be one of those mysteries of Buell ownership. If you see it on the stick one day, and a week later, same day not on stick and the idiot light is not burning, you must be OK.
If you can't find where your oil is going remove your air box and look at the bottom side of your intake butterfly valve. I had a valve guide seal go bad and it wasn't enough to kick out smoke from the exhaust but I was using a quart of oil every 500 miles. New intake seals my bike uses less than 4 oz. between oil changes. (I change my oil every 1,500 miles.)If that is your problem the bottom side of your intake valve will be nasty. I hope it's something else unless you are still under warr.

Not to worry. I have a 2009 model 7k miles. Same...same issue. I was concerned about it enough that I returned it 2 days back to stealship right after the 1000 mi. service, compalining that they didn't put enough oil in it. Nothing on the stick. First question they ask me is...."Is the oil light coming on?" No it is not. It was pipeing hot when I took it in, and they rolled it in and topped it off for me.
Seems like I went through about 3/4 quart keeping it topped off between the next oil change. It is a mystery Dude! Who knows where it's going if you don't have a class 2 leak (actual dripping). All I can think that it is being burned through normal crankcase vetilation. Buddy of mine has a 2007 HD Sportster with the 1200, experiencing the same thing.

I ride around 500 miles a week, and add just a little to keep it topped off each week. Also helps to have a "high" oil level (very tip top full mark) of the stick when you repalce it between intervals. I have found that mine takes exactly 3 quarts 8 oz. (including filter)to get it there, when the manual calls for only 2.5
If your keeping oil in it, and it's not leaking, nor the light coming on, don't think there is much to worry about.:)
on my 2004 XB12R, I put just under 15k miles on it last year and I only burned a total of about 1.5 quarts across those 15000 miles

I did an oil change at 5k, 6k, and then my crankshaft failed

between changes I kept it topped off, checking every roughly 500 miles and I never added more than maybe 2 or 3 ounces

I never had my oil pressure light come on, and I never had any oil come out the pipes

the process I always used to check my oil level was dump 2.5 quarts in it, run it for 2-3 minutes, usually added another .25 quarts and went on my way

I never had an issue checking my oil level when it was hot and running, I always had it at a visible level on the dipstick

note that when I disassembled the engine with the crankshaft failure I found all of my valve seats to have mind seals on them (perfectly shiny mating surfaces on the seats and valves) and my valve stem seals were flawless in the cylinder heads
its burning up after it breaksdown; in areas where it levels or pools like corners of covers, bottom crankcase, cam compartment, etc,,,

check oil level when new oil? level is right.
after few weeks, 2500 miles? brokendown and burned up
would help if drained completely after hot. let drain for 10-15 minutes. lean bike over side to side. etc.

techs get more money for more work. oil changes dont take up much time.
I did an oil change at 5k, 6k, and then my crankshaft failed
Gotta thread/reference online on failure?

Prepare longer dipstick tool (coat hanger) for measuring to bottom of swing arm/oil tank.
I have a 2009 XB12R also and am experiencing the same issues. 15500 miles. It does not leak. And it isn't smoking. It is not overflowing the transmission, and is not in the airbox. I am useing about 58oz. of oil between 3000 intervals. It has does this since day 1. My early intraval maintainence was done at the dealer. Rode it home 25 miles and work the next day 50 miles. No oil on the stick, returned it, they topped it off. The plugs are 5k overdue, but they are running great. Very easy starts. I run a solution of Berrymans or Sea Foam through every regular commute gas fill.

Seem to add 9-12 oz. every 500 miles.

My warrenty expires 2nd week in July should I have them (stealership) going through this with a fine tooth comb. Am thinking if I insist, they could have it for weeks or months, during the riding season.

What do ya think?
Pull the air box and see how much the breather pulling in.
DIY thread fir breather re route fixes most these issues my Xb use 1/2 quart or less inv3k miles . Air cooled motors use oil espcially if you idle long periods and get it hot.
Use 20w50 oil
My brothers 08 is burning a lot of oil from running too hot. Air these bikes are air cooled so they will burn oil but my brother reason for running so hot is due to his fan shorted out.
You are definitely burning an abnormal amount. What climate do you ride in?
I switched to synthetic and that cut down on my oil burning. The gears even feel a whole lot better. The re-route is an absolute must.
this is pretty normal on 08,09 and 10s correct oil level cold 1/2 between the bottom of the dip stick and the add mark.this problem is due to porus cylinder head castings.15000 miles on my 09 never needed the breather reroute tried it for about 1000 miles and it did nothing.never had any oil pooling with out it and made no difference in oil usage.

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