New Aussie CR. High Bar Qns

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Nov 16, 2009
G'day Guys.

Ben from OZ here. I should hopefully be picking my new 09 midnight black 1125CR up on Friday (or next week if they are slow)

Its a 400km ride back from the dealership (through the twisties)as they were the only place that had stock, no waiting lists and didnt want 5k more than they were worth.

Anyway, A dealer has quoted me AUD 583 (US $550) for the high bar kit installed of which there is apparently only 1 left in the wharehouse. And the bars and cables are around $450 uninstalled.

This is daylight robbery to me. So my question is:

Can anyone reccomend a US store that sells the kit that will ship internationally? (should turn out to cost around AUD $300 delivered by my maths as they are around USD $215)


Is there really a need for the different brake and throttle cables? I find it hard to believe that the forward bars are much closer than the high bars...[confused]

Has anyone tried fitting a set of Renthal or Tag bars with the stock throttle and brake cables?

I havent even ridden the bike yet but I do preffer an upright streetfighter riding position.

Thanks allot for your help guys. And I will post some pics as soon as I get her... promise.[up]
I actually emailed the site sponsor and they said that due to the lack of availability in Australia they might be able to help me out.

Big[up] for buell parts for their quick response. Hopefully shipping costs are reasonable
cheers mate I will try them if buellparts falls through.

yeah im so anxious about getting it. I hope its reliable. Coming from Jap and Euro bikes I am really nervous
Paid $215 for the kit and $210 (3 hours labor)for the install here in the US. It's 400 km to my dealer too and I just want to pick it up already modified.

From everything I've read, new cables (and brakeline) are a must.

I know I can make the change but if 'they' need 3 hours, that's means it would take me 6-8 hours!!!
sheet. maybe the price isnt too bad. well i guess i can always get it later.

but its going to be a telling 5 hour ride home with the stock bars. that should indicate if i need the high kit like i think i will
When I was looking for a 1125CR to buy I insisted it have the raised handlebar option, either on the bike or the parts available for install. I've done enough of the lurched over sportbike position and wanted a more comfortable ride. Besides, to me the handlebar option is so much better looking than the stock gizmo design, don't you think? Also, with the raised bars the bike looked more the part of the streetfighter mode, which is more upright.

Kind of an expensive upgrade, but looking back it is worth it.

Off the subject but in the rhelm of comfort, helmets make a big difference based on weight and aerodynamics. Nothing worst than being a "bobble head" going down the road because your helmet is not that good in direct wind, without a windscreen and too heavy. I'm looking into lightweight, maybe carbon fiber (Akuma) with the spoiler design feature on the rear of the helmet.
pics as promised.

580kms (400miles?) ride home from the dealer.

I think i will get the bars in the end :D

Looking good [up] maybe need to tidy that tail & get rid of those mirrors & pipe I reckon , I've been making a list for mine ;).. really itching to get it now. Sat on it the other day with the high bars, felt alot better than the clubmans coming of the lightning. How did you find the seat , comfy ?
seat was fine. miles better than my fazer.

god the pegs are high though. i think i need a hip reconstruction and im only 24.

mirrors look good i think. but they are ******* useless and make the bike a bit wider to split through traffic. The only thing is they have intergrated indicators... so it might be too much of a pain to change them.
jeez the paint on this thing is thin. put my girlfriends helmet on the helmet hook and rode 15mins and theres 2 big scuffs in the tail paint all the way down to white

just a quick question. theres stuttering under 4km and im fine with that.

but when trolling around at low rpms (traffic) for a minute or so and then givving the accelerator a big twist the bike tends to suddently pause for a second which has almost sent me over the bars about a dozen times now lol.

it this normal. none of my past 6 bikes have done this. does it sound like an ecm issue or just something this bike does and you need to clear the throat out a little?
Slickncghia...there is no paint on the tail of either of the 1125's or XB's. They use a molded in color plastic. Most scratches will buff out with a good plastic polish.

Also, what you are referencing about the pause when you WOT is a solenoid that stalls the bike out at a certain RPM (usually in 3rd gear around 4500 RPM's). This is an EPA thing that Buell had to do to the 1125's. The solenoid is very easily removed and it reduces the weight by a couple of pounds. There is a good read on it on Badweb. (even though I hate to send anybody over there). Here is a link to the "noidectomy". You will also have to find a resistor to plug in where the noid once went or it will trip a CEL.

Solenoid removal
the thing is. Warranty is SUPER important to me on this bike as you might imagine. Its my daily rider and will be getting >= 500kms a week.

I don't want to do anything to jeapordise that.

it usually happens when i spot a gap in traffic and go for a squirt / celebratory wheelie and nearly die of embarrassment when i almost shoot over the bars when it lurches
[mad] im gutted. 8 days old. Some silly bitch just backed her 4x4 into it in the carpark of one of my workplaces.

I just had my last bike written of from some stupid woman running me over now this? my pride and joy!!!!

arrrrrg my only transport too.

scratched side pod, scratched and seeminly broken mirror, scratched bar, scratched engine cover, scratched exhaust heat guard, scratched footpeg, oh and scratches on the rear cowl.

FREE Upgrades in my eyes.:D

Have your insurance write you the check for the damages and order all aftermarket, since you live in Aussie. Sure shipping for stock parts wont be cheap and or easy to get, so just go aftermarket which will be easier to get, I am guessing.
mmmm would be nice but the insurance companies seem to only like to give the money to the repairer rather than the owner.

that said none of those parts really have aftermarket equivalents. ie side pods and engine case covers ect.
in a stupid moment i put the bike cover on when the bike was still warm and it melted platsic over the header pipes and in the end to get it off i sanded it back a little. idiot.

now I have to repaint the pipes.

what do you reckon? gold again? matte black? red?

ive been thinking about painiting all the silver highlights on the bike Red to match the red decals. thoughts?