Hard to shift through gears????????? Real spongy.

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Well-known member
May 19, 2007
When I shift through my gears it is just like it doesnt want to shift some times. The linkage moves just fine but the bike wont shift right away. I can feel the linkage move all the way up or down but it just doesnt click into gear, unless I play with it.

Is a bike like a car in the fact that if a car is low on trans fluid it wont shift normal? And on a bike if the primary fluid is low it wont shift correct?

I had to replace my primary case and of course the damn gasket leaks a little now. So I just need to know if my problem simply lies in the low primary fluid or if it is something else. Maybe another fluid may be the problem.

Thanks for any help.

If you replaced your primary case because you layed it down, I can almost bet your shifter shaft is bent also.
The shifter linkage was messed up but the lever on the shaft wasnt touiched and the only reasone the case had to be replaced was because the foot pegs cracked it.

I will have to take a closer look. But I put some break loose on it and it seemed to make a difference. So I think it might have just been binding since I cleaned it so much with brake cleaner.

I havent riden it enough I am going to put some mile on it today I ony road the bike up and down my road. I will update later today.

Put some lub on the shaft. Made it better, but still sticks..............Must be I have a bent shaft. Haha

But it is drivable and doesnt bother me so I will just deal with it.

hold on...

what oil did you use?
did you change oils?
did you clean it before changing?

i bet it's a simple as that...
I cleaned the hell out of it, and yes I used new fluid. I used the new Formula+.

although the oil may be good, it's not all the same what you use in the buell...

it might just be a bit too sticky which caused the clutch plates to stick and makes it harder to shift.
I have to change the primary gasket because it is leaking a little so I will clean it back out really good.

Also is there any type of fluid made for a car that I can use that is the equivalent of regular primary fluid?

Well I replaced the primary gasket and lubed up the shaft and it shifts normal now so I am happy with that.

Also I will throw in I did the air box mod and cut the holes in the top of the air box fairing(?) a while back but I am running 2 gallons of 93oct. and 1 gallon of 110oct mixed and can I tell a difference. Before my bike wouldnt lift the front tire just hitting it hard at a 10mph roll and no it has no problem lifting it off the ground a few inches. Also I can tell a difference going down the highway.

All in all I guess track times against my old one will be the true difference though.

Later Brandon