Available parts???

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
I bought a new 1125R and the dealer told me not to worry that Harley would keep making parts for 7 years. But I keep watching Buell parts.com and parts just keep disapearing from their site. The touring seat and passenger pillion are gone, so are the saddlebags. Its the same story at other sites as well. I have been told that once the parts are gone they are concidered obsolete. Is this true? Is calling every Buell dealer to see if they have any left over parts our only option left? Just wondering if my Buell brothers and sisters out there have the answers.
I believe harley will keep making essential parts for 7 years. by essential, I mean parts that keep the bike running, or anything stock that the bike originally came with. As for aftermarket stuff like the touring seat and saddle bags, they might be gone for good once they have been sold. It is possible that you will only be able to purchase these items through the Harley dealer themselves.
I want to be wrong, but I think that Buell only has to produce parts to satisfy the warranty. I had always heard 7 years, and everyone always says 7 years, but for the life of me I cannot find anything online about a federal law stating that.

I am sure accessories are first come first serve now.
To which I want to point out: to satisfy their warranty. A 10 year extended warranty isn't too helpful if Buell stops making parts in 2012.
Doesnt it make you love harley damividson that much more. Then to deal with the stealerships[mad]. Come on Erik you gotta pull us through.
also, I belive February of 2010 Erik Buell will have his own parts available for racing.


He plans on producing race parts for years to come, but not so sure about things like saddle bags. the site isnt up and running yet, but should be ready to order stuff by Feb 2010, and their pricing list should be available 30 DEC.
So if Buellparts.com dosen't have the seats or bags or any other soon to be gone part. Will it take a miracle to find?
Buellparts.com is not a direct HD parts supplier so I wouldn't worry about parts disappearing from their site. Any part on the bike could be needed for warranty so they will need to be available. As for accessories they have no obligation to make them available, So if you want factory bags and such now is the time to get them.