Buell Dragrace website

Buellxb Forum

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New member
Jan 7, 2007
He everybody,

I dragrace with my buell XB.

If you have any questions, just ask.


some pictures



Welcome. Nice pictures. I've always thought that Buells would make great drag bikes. Please understand that I can't allow other forums to be posted here. I would also like to know your buell quarter mile times. Where do you race?
buellxb i belong to other fourms some that are very well known and are growing day by day and the members list there websights..its seems to help the groth of the fourm.lots are custom bike builders..or motor builders.frame builders..painters..welders..parts ect....I think it helps groth of your sight...just a though
My Buell forum is still young, and lacks features that others have. I really don't want to drive members to other forums, at least until I get some updates done. Hopefull Buell riders will like this forum because it loads quickly and has good members such as yourself. How do links to other Buell forums help build this site? I could be missing something here.
xb with on click of the keyboard any buell rider can find any buell fourm anyway..they post websight here you post yours there...im sure all the members her visited other forums and bounce around anyway..its the friendships you make in a fourm that makes it grow..and the more info and links to other related topics like drag racing might help....guys over at drag racing there members will check out this forum also..they advertise here you advertise over there...attracks more peaks overall..your not going to lose one member from this group...hope to own a buell soon you guys will be the first to know..see you guys tomorrow
xb - i am pretty sure seo-board comes stock with rel=nofollow on all outgoing links. I think any links posted by admin are regular and links posted by members are rel=nofollow anyway. Now, not all search engines look at this (like Yahoo), but if it's the 'rankings' you are worried about you need not. As far as directing 'users' to other sites, search engines not only look for inbound links from related sources, they also look for outbound links to good information or content sources (like a portal that gets popular by directing you to the right places that are considered reputable by search engines).

I would say, let them post and keep an eye on the link destinations to make sure they are worth sending your users to. If you are worried about getting users to come back offer some bookmarking links near the top so it's easy for them to save in IE and FF.

You should already be posting links to your forum in the others so like the others said, it's only fair! Make sure you dont waste your time posting a link in another forum just for the link pop., they might be using rel=nofollow too! You should post links to your forum when a topic discussed here, answers a question posted in one of the others that is not yet covered there! Just my 2 cents, what you are doing is cool!
Buellxb, You can post as much links on my forum as you like ;) we are all Buell brothers [cool]

my times are

Career best 60 feet: 1,453

Career best 1/8 mile: 6,581

Career best speed 1/8 mile: 166,539

Career best ¼ mile: 10,502

Career best speed ¼ mile: 200,532

Dutch record Holder: ¼ mile 10.565 speed 197,408
I hate to assume, but given the commas and the numbers, those speeds are in KpH. The conversions to MPH (for those of us too silly to convert to a base-10 system:p) are:

103.48 MPH in the 1/8
124.61 MPH in the 1/4

which jives pretty well with the mid-10.

That's pretty solid. Did you ever run the bike stock? I'd be interested to know what a stock XB can run.

Another thought: BuellXB, maybe a Drag racing forum? Post timeslips & mods & whatnot? Even a road racing forum if there are tracks around that allow that kind of stuff.

I never ride the bike stock. It was a XB9 and the first time I run it on the strip i already bore it to 1200cc.. my time wa 11.6 I have to look it up to be sure.. I have old movies on my website with this configuration..