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Thread: Throttle tube and maybe cable replacement

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Throttle tube and maybe cable replacement

    My right controls felt fine, but I was curious and kind of peeled back the inner side of the grip to see what the throttle tube looked like. I replaced it, but now the throttle feels like its binding; it does not return smoothly. Does that sound plausible or did I maybe do something else in the process?

    Regardless, I ordered new rizoma sport grips which include the throttle tube as part of the grip, so I intend to replace the throttle tube. The bike is very old and was neglected for 10+ years. I can see some fraying in the clutch cable so it seems prudent to also replace the throttle/idle cables.

    Will this require a TPS reset?

    More specifically, if I just replace the throttle tube, do I need to do a TPS reset?
    If I replace the throttle tube and both cables do I need to do a TPS reset?

    There is a long history of posts related to TPS resets. Is the latest and greatest way to do this using buelltooth?


  2. #2
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
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    AmishLand, PA
    More specifically, if I just replace the throttle tube, do I need to do a TPS reset?
    If I replace the throttle tube and both cables do I need to do a TPS reset?


  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Well, that's easy. Thanks

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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  5. #5
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    Kolache Factory
    A man resets his TPS…

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