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Thread: Blowing the Ignition Relay

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    AmishLand, PA.
    Quote Originally Posted by pono55 View Post
    Thanks lunatic much appreciated

    1. Female spades are corroded and plastic melted. Going to clean and see how it does
    2. Not seeing anything weird with ignition switch.
    3. Can't find anything with the wiring, but I'm not the most knowledgeable with the system.
    4. Will clean and test how she does
    5. Doesn't seem to be over charging currently
    always my pleasure. you do NOT need to go ripping and tearing into electrical components and wiring harnesses. you'll drive yourself nuts. do the simple thing first and hope that is the problem. the simple thing is very carefully inspecting the female spades of the fusebox that holds the relay. you mentioned that they look dirty and corroded. right there is the likely source of the problem. they must be tight and pristine. NO corrosion or dirt. start there. 90% of these relay problems lie in that area.
    Last edited by user_deleted; 02-12-2017 at 03:17 PM.

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