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Thread: Bottom of Clutch cable, coming out of primary, is oily...

  1. #11
    Senior Member pdksh's Avatar
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    Nov 2016
    Just a quick question regarding the clutch cable, the Uly has a tin bracket/guide at the clutch leaver. When I tried to totally remove my clutch cable to properly seat it into the bottom of the clutch cover I had to pry off the tin bracket/guide and when I put the bike back together I carefully put it back on. I didn't totally destroy it.

    Is it possible to completely remove the clutch cable with the bracket/guide on? I couldn't get the cable to go through the small hole in the the triple clamp.
    Is that bracket a replacement part?


  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2017
    I left mine on. It takes some finagling but it's doable. The biggest thing for me was to make sure the cable was straight below the hole. If it's curved (like it normally is when installed and mounted) then that tin brace binds in that hole. Just make sure it's straight and pull on it from beneath and it should come out.

    Putting the new one in is the same boat. Make sure it's going in straight and just push and twist until it pops through. Not sure why they made that such a tight clearance fit.

    Not sure if there is a replacement part for that. I doubt it since it comes on the cable.

    BTW, where was it leaking? I thought mine was the o-ring (not seated properly) but it was actually leaking around the crimp onto the cable where it comes out of the primary cover. i guess that is common and some people take a silicone heat tape or something similar to that, and wrap that and seal it and it's good. It's not high pressure inside so I could see that being a viable solution. I didn't see that suggestion until after I had mine torn down
    Last edited by cknapp; 07-10-2017 at 10:24 AM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member pdksh's Avatar
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    Nov 2016
    Mine never leaked, I had the side cover off because I dropped the little clutch cable retaining clip into the primary cover. Getting the clutch cable out of the primary cover was easy, getting it back in straight without striping the threads was a different story

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