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Thread: XB9S Clutch Cable Replacement - New cable won't thread into the primary case?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by 34nineteen View Post
    The difference between those two part numbers is just the revision #. From what I can find on Twin motorcycles and St. Paul lookup, you do have the correct part #.

    It looks like you found the correct size/pitch for the threaded portion... I still recommend getting a bolt that size and threading it into the hole. It may just have the first thread or two buggered up from removal. Or Cooter worked on your bike. If you can thread the bolt in easily, the threaded portion should thread in easily as well.

    Lastly, download a free manual from You did remove the 3 bolt inspection cover and clutch ramp assembly beforehand, right?
    Thank you for taking the time to look all of this up! I did everything the service manual said, which is why I was so confused when the thread wouldn't fit. I saw that a lot of other people have had this same problem when using #03c and it was solved with that nut, but I will definitely be buying the bolt you recommended as well!

  2. #12
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    Kolache Factory
    The bolt should be a 10 cent part from any hardware store, Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc

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