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Thread: Lightning short gremlin

  1. #21
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
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    Crawling up your skirt
    I gots jokes! And no, I don't mind being served the same dish I give out. Fire away but for the love of all thats HOLY, please understand clear communication is KEY to getting the answer you're seeking.

    To clarify, I am assuming...
    1) The big battery cable 'arcs and gets hot' when you try to connect it (without doing anything else).
    2) I'm also assuming the starter switch you are talking about is in the solenoid wire. NOT in the giant starter wire that comes straight from the battery (+).
    Last edited by Cooter; 11-20-2021 at 12:32 PM.

  2. #22
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    I think the COOPSTER may be referring to the aftermarket button that is retrofitted to a Harley starter, usually on a chopper setup. The one that manually moves the solenoid when pushed.

    Bikers Choice Solenoid Starter Button for Harley Big Twin 90-06

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Spot on, 34:19. Problem is resolved. Thank you for your patience with me and for the advice. The contact on the inside of the push button turned when I was snugging up the nut on the outside, for what I referred to as the starter wire. The button was in start mode regardless of whether the bike was on or off, as it is directly connected to the battery, just as you fellas indicated. I took the cover off and turned the contact to a different position, and I am in business. Even though I got a lotta flicka da poopoo from you in the process, it is obvious you know of which you speak and I am grateful that you continued to wade through my diatribe. Better to be a smart ass than a dumb one huh?

  4. #24
    Senior Member 34nineteen's Avatar
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    Better that, than having the main battery cable grounding out. Glad you got it figured out and running.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Cooter's Avatar
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    Crawling up your skirt
    Good guess Mr. Sanford! One million internet points to you good sir. You sure know your Buell Chopper builds

    Glad it got sorted COOPSTER, we're family here, so we basically bicker and talk **** most of the time but when the chips are down we are all together with our weird love for these stupid bikes. There ain't no bad bikes so... pics of the project?

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