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Thread: Carb Rebuild Kit?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2022

    Carb Rebuild Kit?

    Anyone have a source for a carburetor rebuild kit for the Blast? So far I've only found one site (buellsterparts) and they're out of stock/may not be the right one.

    I'm a total noob but I'm getting lots of gas entering my oil so I'm guessing the carburetor isn't working properly in some respect, probably the needle valve based on research.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
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    Jun 2020
    AmishLand, PA
    Sir: your stock carb is one of the simplest, most popular 36mm Keihin CV(constant velocity) carbs in existence. Reasonably priced rebuild kits on Ebay...Amazon....JPCycles....Bike Bandit....St Paul's Harley Davidson site.
    Pay a bit more and buy quality. A decent kit will include the cold start(choke)plunger pre-assembled. Not all kits include a new float. Always replace the choke plunger and float on any Keihin carb rebuild. And purchase the correct kit for your specific year as there were subtle jetting changes thru the model run.
    Last edited by Barrett; 05-02-2022 at 12:27 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
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    AmishLand, PA
    My pleasure. As a novice, great idea to make copious notes and take a few pics prior to and during disassembly. Tons of informative youtube vids on the basics of Keihin CV-style carb rebuilds. Millions of these same style carbs were factory installed on H-D Sportster and big twins dating back to the Evo engine debut in the fall of 1983. The rebuild process is the same.

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