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Thread: Battery terminal rigging

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Battery terminal rigging

    How has everyone rigged their power and ground wires to connect to aftermarket battery terminals?

    The OEM battery had the terminals flush with the front of the battery housing. But every aftermarket battery I've seen has them set back maybe half an inch.

    There's not much slack in the power and ground wires, and not much room under the lightning seat.

    I rigged a stack of copper washers to fill the gap between the terminal and front of the battery housing so I can use the wire leads unmodified, but I don't like this solution. What have others done?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Barrett's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    AmishLand, PA
    Make-shift cable spacers inevitably come loose or promote corrosion and wreak havoc on the charging system, specifically the VR which hates any sort of inline resistance.

    Harley Davidson spacer kit part # 5917B
    Yuasa spacer kit part # 5BNBSS22M
    Deka hardware spacer kit----see attachment---the best I've found. Contact Deka to purchase same


    Last edited by Barrett; 09-10-2023 at 03:16 PM.

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