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Thread: Throttle and idle cable replacement

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Throttle and idle cable replacement

    Throttle cable looked fine, but when the bars were pinned all the way left, I felt binding. After messing with it in that state for a bit it started to bind in all positions. I opened the airbox baseplate and I can see significant fraying of the throttle cable.

    I will replace the throttle and idle cable, but there are limited options to source this part. St Paul's HD has the pair for >$200.

    Are there any proven substitutes?


    edit: 2004 xb9sl

  2. #2
    Senior Member Kurlon's Avatar
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    Worst case MotionPro should be able to make a set?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Thanks, I did see that, but it doesn't list the 04 xb9s/l as a compatible model

  5. #5
    Senior Member DieterVonCunth's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the various links. It's odd to me that Motion Pro and Venhill only seem to have cables for pre-xb models.

    I ordered from

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    For the record, the cables from twinmotorcycles are made by venhill, but if you go to venhill's website they are not listed anywhere.

    I routed the cables the same way as the previous cables on my bike (04 xb9sl): From the right control cluster through the slot under the instrument cluster, loops outside of the key assembly, down to the small plastic bracket against the frame that holds the cluster of electronics cables, both throttle and idle stay parallel and enter the bracket above the electronics cable, then down under the left side of the frame and up into the engine compartment.

    After installation and adjustment, things are much smoother, but I still have binding when the bars are pinned all the way to the left. I have the headlights off and a much clearer view of things, and I can see that when you pin the bars left, it creates a fairly extremely "doubling-back" of the cables so they can enter the plastic bracket. As an experiment, I removed them from the bracket and just let them sit on top of the bracket and they are indeed buttery smooth at left-pin. When removed from the bracket, at right-pin, they still perform well, but they are stretched nearly taught.

    I have additional concern that routing the cables outside of the bracket will create rubbing against the left fork leg, or maybe get pinned between the leg and frame.

    The plastic bracket seems really poorly designed. It looks like later models changed this part.

    Can someone confirm the correct, stock routing of the throttle and idle cables on an 04 xb9sl?
    It looks like if the cables could be routed behind the key assembly instead of looping in front of them, that a softer angle would be created into the plastic bracket, but I don't think there is enough space between the key assembly and the housing.

    I'm considering cutting off the top quarter or so of the plastic bracket, so there is enough to retain the electronics cable, then zip-tieing the trottle and idle cable to the electronics cable semi-loosely.

    Is anyone using a better makeshift routing solution on early xb lightning models?

    I can post pics later of any part of the routing or pieces I'm describing
    Last edited by drootang; 09-25-2023 at 09:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Great question! I noticed the same thing with my stock cables and it bothered me a lot. I bought a MotionPro setup to improve everything but I'm wondering if I'll run into the same things when I get my bike put back together.

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