Im hitting you back with the quotes!!

I left out some info clearly so I will try to be sure I fill that in with the following.
The bike came to us from a guy who bought it from another guy who had it tuned buy another shop. The only part we have replaced was the IAT sensor due to it having incorrect resistance at a specified temperature.
What are you putting these logs into? I tried putting them into TunerPro 4 and it isn't recognizing them.
MegaLogViewerHD. I also have the logs in a .LOG file, will your program support that?
Luckily yours is a DDFI3 bike and it should be easy to manage that, but I see no mention of it (either through the ECM cleaning procedure or manually) so I will assume you're not.
No, I am unsure of what you mean by ECM Cleaning procedure or manually
Disabling closed loop, Why?
From my very basic understanding this would keep the bike running on a more "Preset" map without the ECM reading all the PIDs and compensating as much. Seemed like maybe if the bike ran better with closed loop disabled then the issue would be in one of the sensors that the ECM reads in closed loop. Again, I do not fully understand so this theory of mine could be WAY off.
How are you checking this? What do you mean by "stays at 49 psi"? Does it stay while the motor is off? While it is running? While you are riding?
With a Fuel pressure gauge inline while the bike is priming fuel pump and while running.
Is it actually staying at 100? The AFV is going to float around but should stay close to 100. But having it stay at 100, while optimal, is kind of odd. Unfortunately, I cant get your logs to work in my version of TunerPro (probably my fault-outdated)
Both AFV stay primarily at 100. Sometimes I have seen them 95-105 but usually they are at 100.
Why new injectors? Were yours not functioning? Where did you get the injectors? Are you SURE the new injectors are working properly? It wouldnt be the first time someone replaced a part with a defective new part. Same with the O2 and IAT sensors. Why?
This is where I left out some key info. This bike came to us from a customer, all this info was given to us from the customer and this info was given to him from the previous owner, so its a very bad game of telephone. We have no idea if the injectors, or 02 sensors were even bad and no way to get the old parts back. We did confirm the IAT sensor was bad through diagnosing it using the electrical diag manual. It has since been replaced.
Could be the map is corrupted, but the "Rev Mo maps" do work. Maybe not everyones thing, but he does have a Drummer map you could reupload to see if the bike behaves better. You could even use one of the other maps if you feel his Drummer map is corrupted. Having the incorrect map is not going to cause the problems you are having, but should get you closer to a solution. If you don't trust his map, you can also contact IDS for a map, but they will charge for it (but its reasonable). There are lots of people running around with Buells (and other bikes) with a different muffler/air cleaner/whatever and never change their map.
We have gotten a map from REVMO for the drummer exhaust. After putting this map on the bike, nothing changed as for as the running rich after it has been running for 5+ minutes. I agree in the belief that the map is not the cause of the problem, our though was get a stock map back onto the bike so that way we are as close to a baseline as possible for diagnostic purposes. Like you said, even people running exhaust, air filter and whatever without changing the map would likely run well. We will contact IDS to see if we can get a stock and drummer map but after trying 3 different maps and seeing no change I do not believe that the map is the cause.
I also see no mention of resetting the TPS. It's simple on a DDFI3 bike, so not sure why you wouldn't do that.
We did do that, I just forgot to mention. It sits at around 4
at idle, when it begins to run rich/rough this will change closer to 8
If the bike IS running rich, the O2 sensor should be picking that up and adjusting the AFV to compensate. I see no mention of checking the values of the O2 sensor to see if it is even working (or not hooked up).
Reading the 2 02Sensor values in ECMDROID, one of the PIDs stays at 0.49V. The other PID will slowly start to climb from about 0.5 and then when the bike starts acting up the 02 sensor will read from 0.1 to 1.1V
Unless the bike is stuck in its warm up mode and the ECM does not think the bike is warmed up yet. I don't remember if ECMDroid tracks this but I know ECMSpy does. I see no mention of checking to see what values the CLT sensor is providing. It wouldn't be the first time one of these failed and tricked the bike into thinking its running hotter/cooler than it actually is.
This is similar to our thought with the whole closed and open loop thing. Our thought is maybe the bike switch from being cold to warm and then when it switches is when it start to overcompensate. What is it compensating for or misreading is where we are lost. The CLT rose all the way to 422 and then dropped to 380 in a matter of seconds. Around this time is also when bike runs rough and the 02 spikes erratically from 0.3 to 1.1 and all in between. I also have the files in .log file, maybe your viewer would support that?
This whole post smacks of CoOter trolling us. Dammit! I know where you live... and stay out of my beer fridge!
This is not CoOter...or is it?!?!?!:tongue-new:
..Seriously though it is not a troll, just a guy looking at a buell on my stand that I do not understand

Once again thank you!!