Full street fairing for my XB12R (Sharkskinz ?)

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Frenchie Buell

New member
Jul 3, 2020
Hi everyone,
I'm a new member located in France. I have had my XB Firebolt for 8 years and since the beginning, I have been wanting to make her look like a "racing" street machine.:love_heart:
During my research for the perfect fairing, I have found many pictures with the Sharkskinz street fairing coming from this forum. I am also a member of the french "Buell passion" forum but haven't found anything there about a street fairing.

This is why I'm here today. Do you guys know how/where I could find a street model nowadays please ? :eagerness:
The last thread I've seen about it here dates back to 2017.

If I don't find a street version I will go with the race full fairing from Sebimoto and try to cut holes for the headlights (may look awkward) or adapt a OEM fairing (not the same materials).

Thank you
Airtech streamlining. Google is your friend.

Thanks for your answer. I know this website, they only sell the "racing" full fairing like everywhere else, not a street full fairing with the headlights holes.
Unfortunatly, the street version they have is the upper fairing just like the original Firebolt.
It might be easier to find a bike that has the look that you like and put an XB motor in it.

Forum member “Cooter” makes engine conversion kits. He is very modest and will likely say it isn’t true. Don’t give up! After about 10 or so strongly worded messages, he will relent and sell you this elusive part. He also makes extended swingarm and a neat carb conversion for XB’s. I am actually running his prototype adjustable dip stick on my bike and it works great aside from needing to be adjusted every thousand miles or so.

He also told me he was the true inventor of the Hell Fire exhaust system and that lunatic fringe stole the idea from him over a couple of beers, and now mass markets them under various names. What a jerk!

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And how did you get a pic of my Yugo with a Fiero body kit with a Corvette body kit with a Testarossa body kit? LOL

and Heather Thomas would wipe the floor with Farrah Fawcett
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And how did you get a pic of my Yugo with a Fiero body kit with a Corvette body kit with a Testarossa body kit? LOL

and Heather Thomas would wipe the floor with Farrah Fawcett

A chicken can cross the road better than Heather Thomas. At least the chicken gets to the other side. WHOOOOOOAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! :black_eyed:

One degree of separation: Lee Majors. I just realized that.
34nineteen you are sooo right, you made me change my mind ! :applause:
Don't bother with the fairing. What I'm gonna do is buy a Pontiac Fiero with a trailer, trade in my XB12R with a R1 and put an XB motor on the R1 (doesn't seem too complicated and if the bike doesn't run with its new motor I'll still be able to show it around on the trailer :cool: ).
Seriously, though. Unless Sebimoto has a fairing you like, I dont think anyone is going to make something to make a Firebolt look like an R6. Consider this... maybe you can fit an 1125 front on your bike, and the stock side fairings? Also consider I have never owned a Firebolt or an 1125R, so while I think it could be possible, someone may know why its not.

Not saying it cant be done though... but I dont have a plug and play answer for you. I'd be curious to see what you come up with.

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Full street fairing for my XB12R (Sharkskinz ?)

The "race" upper and lower fairings with the head lights were made by sharkskinz. But were kind of one-offs for Hal's Harley Davidson. (Hal's Performance Advantage Racing - Wisconsin) They may still have the molds, but I'm not sure if they will make just one set, and Hal's or what became Iron Town closed its doors in 2019. Possibly your best bet is to go the route you talked about, which is purchase a Fiberglass Race Set with a Fiberglass Street Upper Cowl and graft it on or into the race set.

DgsUs4fV4AAArTc.jpg DgsUs4fU0AAQnt9.jpg

The above set is a KDC Race Fairing (Japan). The upper light section is actually stock, and the KDC race upper was cut down to mount behind the stock section. (Yes, it splays out the stock upper a little, but its plastic.) The race upper is held by the four stock upper bolts with the stock fairing over it. (You trim the race fairing almost to the edge that the stock fairing begins and tuck it behind the stock.) So you kind of get the best of both worlds… Just realize all of these race fairings are trim to fit. If you have not done this before, get ready for a lot of fidgeting.
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Hi Disturbed1 !
Finally an interesting answer. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I am going to order the fairing from Sebimoto's website and see what to do when I have it in hands.
I'll let you guys know about the quality of their stuff (they ship worldwide).
There quality is good. It may take a while though. I don't know what type of riding you do but if much of it is below 40mph your going to roast.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge

No problem.

I know that the sharkskins were molded using the original XBR upper fairing, so they are very close in tolerance and fitment. (And if I'm not mistaken, sharkskinz was the OEM manufacture of the EBR plastics, as the last time I walked though East Troy assembly there was boxes upon boxes with their name on it.) The same with the KDC (Japan) fairing. In fact the KDC was just slightly narrower than the original, which lent itself well to tuck behind the stock upper fairing or windscreen. I'm sure sebimoto is probably the same with fitment and you can work it out on what you want to do.

Good Luck.
Hey Disturbed, that is probably one of the best looking Firebolts I've seen:angel: It pulls away from being quite so odd looking (good or bad depending on your taste, but good for me:)) . The body color frame blends the whole thing to look very original.

You make a good point that 'race fairings' need a bit of fiddling, but nothing a steady hand, basic tools, and a mask can't fix. Do you know that bike? Or just a pic you found?

The body color frame blends the whole thing to look very original.

The color on the frame is actually those weird frame protectors cut down and painted the same as the fairings. (I never cared for them, but with the fairings its kind ‘a cool.)

'race fairings' need a bit of fiddling

Race Fairings = Uni-bits are your best friend…

Yes, I know of this bike, it’s actually in Japan. Over the years I’ve imported a lot of stuff from the orient. From body kits to handmade aluminum Yoshimura suzuka / le’mans fuel tanks. I had someone task me with putting a street/race body on an XBR, but I could not find what was necessary in the US. (Because Sharkskinz and Hal’s stop production and stocking the fiberglass fairings.) So I looked overseas and found this bike. My O’Lady translated what he’d done, because she is fluent in sushi, and I thought it was pure genius. (Why try to make an integrated street / race fairing, when you can leave the stock upper front fairing and tuck a cut down race fairing behind the leading edge.)

If you want to check out his twitter feed look at the link below. He’s a funny guy…and I think he knows you Cooter. In one of his tweets he says Cooter can’t hit an Eggroll, oops sorry, it’s Apex…

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I never really have gotten into the 1125 series of Buells. But that looks like a Catalyst Composites Super Sport Upper – Street (1125US) pared with a Super Sport Lower (1125 L), which they still manufacture.

Can you make it look like this 1125?

As far as me doing anything anymore, I’ve closed up shop and been working a dull job until I retire and move to my other house in Middle Tennessee… (Located on 34 acres next to the Land between the Lakes National Forest = twisty roads and elevations = real fun.)

You know, after looking around, I’ve really been digging some of the 1125 CR / R stuff. Especially the ILMBerger Carbon components, and 1125 are going for pretty cheap around here. (I like it especially because you still have the under-slung exhaust, unlike the new EBR's.) But I guess at that point I might as well pick up an EBR.


The middle of Tennessee is an amazing destination for riding:up: So lucky you get to retire there.

A 'full fairing kit on the 1125's seems to really modernize the whole bike, and the chain conversion and cool rear wheel on that yellow one are sweet!

I've got nothing against an 1125, and would happily rock a red lobster CR again, but for $3K-ish more you might find a good deal on an EBR and it is light years ahead in every metric. The muffler is still underneath, and removing the resonator, adding a tips ECM, would look like the yellow one above (neat how they are not the same size) and is the first thing most EBR'rs do anyway:angel:

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