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    Greater Sacramento, CA dealers?

    As I have read many bad experiences from other posts about going into Harley dealers looking for a Buell. Does anyone have any experience in the Greater Sacramento area with the dealers around here?
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    XB9 or XB12Ss for first bike?

    no...there isn't one of those close to me. I would like to, but the closest riders course with the buells is 2 hours away.
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    XB9 or XB12Ss for first bike?

    Ok...I think I've just been concerned about the power being too much for me as a beginner. However I'm responsible and am sure once I take the course will become confident in my abilities. I'm just surprised by other sites, how many people say "no way" as a buell for a first bike unless its a blast.
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    XB9 or XB12Ss for first bike?

    I have already signed up for the MSF class. I dont plan on a purchase until after I have passed the class. Most of what I have read says that the 9 can be a little cramped for the taller rider. I am 6' and 180lbs, would the 9 really be that cramped? Would the XB12Ss be a better choice even...
  5. O

    Interested in Buell for first bike

    I have already signed up for the MSF class. I dont plan on a purchase until after I have passed the class. Most of what I have read says that the 9 can be a little cramped for the taller rider. I am 6' and 180lbs, would the 9 really be that cramped? Would the XB12Ss be a better choice even...
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    Interested in Buell for first bike

    I am interested in either the 9sx or 12. I have read through much of the posts regarding this topic, and it seems like almost everyone says go for it being a first bike. Other sites I have been to, everyone says its one of the worst to start out on. It seems on this site, the thought is just be...