03 xb9 kickstand question

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Mar 26, 2012
Bought a bike from a guy that had done some work on it like changing the fuel pump himself. What I'm trying to figure out is why the fuel pump will only kick on with the kick stand down. Bike will turn over with the stand up but will never start. My neutral light works and it does this(turning over but not starting) with the clutch pulled in or not. Is one of my switches faulty or did this guy jack some wiring up? Thanks for any help.
So it starts just fine with the kickstand down --- but with kickstand up, it will only crank but never actually catch & fire the engine? Sounds like jacked up fuel pump wiring. Grab a service manual off of Buellmods.com for your year model & trace the wiring from the fuel pump back to the connector and so on, making sure the wires are matched correctly.
03 had a kickstand safety switch on them. I'd assume the wiring from it might be the problem. Most simply bypass that switch.
Sorry I made a mistake typing and in my wording(night shift is getting to me). I meant it will only engage the fuel pump with the stand up. I turn the key on with it down and I hear nothing but I can put it up and the fuel pump comes on and while the fuel pump is priming I can put the stand down and stop the pump. Bike will not run at all with the stand down and kills itself as soon as the stand is put down no matter what. The bike can be in neutral, clutch in or out with it in neutral or in gear and as soon as you put the stand down it shuts off. Sorry bout me switching the words around in the first post.
that sounds better/right, that is normal operation for the sidestand switch, if it won't start in gear with kick stand up and clutch pulled in, your clutch safety switch is bad
that sounds better/right, that is normal operation for the sidestand switch, if it won't start in gear with kick stand up and clutch pulled in, your clutch safety switch is bad

it's not quite normal. It should run with the stand down with the bike in neutral. If it doesn't I'm guessing it's not thinking the bike is in neutral. Also, it should run in gear with the stand down with the clutch pulled in. Sounds more like a neutral sensor problem
Thank you for the info. Can I ohm the switches out to test them before I buy a switch and it turns out to be another. I'm a bit of a tight wad when it comes to money. These forums are the best and you guys are great for a first time buell owner. I've always been a harley guy since my father built them for a living. A buell was something I've always wanted and I am very pleased with how she handles and of course the engines tone. These little quirks with the bike will just bring me closer to it....y'all know what I mean
Just by pass both the clutch and kick stand switches. They are both known to fail and leave you stranded. Just jump the two wires.
Sounds good to me. Ill just do the switches like I always have on my riding lawn mowers seat safety switch. Thanks for all yalls help. I live in panama city florida and if any of you guys are coming to the may thunder beach let me know and ill buy ya a drink for the help.
Okay I got an update. I got a little time to mess with the bike the other night after a ride. I hadn't noticed this before as this was my first night ride on this bike. When I put the kickstand down the low beam headlight shuts off also. I had the bike not running and the stand up to test this and the high beam stays will stay on with the stand up or down but the low beam will go off as soon as the stand goes down and comes on as soon as its up(with the bike not running). What the heck is going on with this bike?
Yeah. Bypass the stand safety switch. Mine is. Only thing that sucks about mine is it will only start in neutral. Haven't figured that one out just yet...
Thanks. I'm okay with it only starting in neutral. Might save me from making a mistake after a 12 hour night shift.
I just pick mine up a few weeks ago and I'm having the same issue. It worked fine for my then started doing this I bought it to the shop and it stopped and now it's doing it again. even the low beam wont go on just like yours. Strange! Please keep me updated and I will do the same. Thanks!

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