Thank you to Rays and Lunatic for their expert guidance. ALL credit goes to those two!
As a reminder- this bike is new to me, and now that the cluster works, had 68086 miles showing. It now has 68186 miles as it got a 100 mile workout today. I plan on an eventual frame of restore with a 1275 kit and upgraded oil pump. But there are other issues to resolve first. I am 1/2 way through a paint job. I put the plastics back on to mask the layout for the matte finish.
1. The front blinker delete done in a way that provided a dead short reading through both tail Violet (left) and Brown (Right) tail harness connections.
2. The flasher was the wrong type. Once corrected- lights functioned (after #1 was sorted out).
3. Instrument Cluster circuit board was cleaned- look up youtube how too's for that one.
4. ALL connection points, harnesses, for VR, Stator, Lights front and rear, ECM, Relays, were cleaned and packed with dialectric grease
5. ALL grounding points were cleaned, to bare aluminum, then dialectric grease and tightened securely (continuity tested after to each harness point)
6. Buelltooth Jarding/K&N Map Downloaded- provided by buelltooth. EXCELLENT PRODUCT, EXCELLENT SERVICE!
I know I am forgetting a few things, but want to give credit once again to Lunatic and Rays for their expertise.
I am getting ready to shoot the Dark Matte Grey on Wednesday- will post the outcome. Here are a few pics of this little project in its current state.