09 xb12r firebolt or 09 - 1125CR

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Feb 10, 2010
New to the forum and first time buell owner so bare with me! Love this site. So Im looking for some advice/thoughts. I have an 1125cr and so far its been great. No complaints other than I think the bike would look way better if it had a chin fairing like the xb12r available. Anyway I came across a new 2009 xb12r firebolt and the dealer is willing to trade it for the CR. I will be close to breaking even. Being new to buell I did some research on the xb12r and no doubt its a sweet looking ride. I did ride the xb but the dealer didnt prep the bike and it had a bad plug. They changed out the plug and I rode it but it was rough and felt weak...no where near the balls of the CR. Granted they are two different animals. I just cant seem to decide if I want to do this trade. Plan on going for a second spin on the xb12r this weekend once they dial it in. Looking for feedback on both bikes and maybe someone who has ridden both. Cheers!
the xb12 going to feel week compared to the 1125 rotax.
both great Bikes and i love the look of the fire bolt hands down over the cr.
I have a xb9sx and now a 1125r
xb12 raw power torque monster
1125 higher revving Hp
Both are great bikes and real performer it is going to come down to your prefrance.
the air cooled xb's are allot simpler if you plan on doing any of your own work down the road.
1125 has more gizmo's Liquid cooling 2 fans .
So goodluck.
my Gf wanted me to get a fire bolt for that Look
I was like well it the same bike as my 04 with low bars and a fairing i want the more race orated 1125
3Leaf, If you seriously want to move to a 'bolt from your CR... then come over to Austin, TX.... I'll trade you my 04 'Bolt + cash difference for your CR...
+1 yeah all personal preferance. if i could get one for free............i think id choose the firebolt. ive got a xb9s and a cr and i love both. all you man. ;)
+1 for Personal Preference.

It really is going to boil down to your riding style and the 'feel' you want.

I have an xb12r and absolutely love it. BUT, I live in Phoenix and I'm a daily rider, so having a liquid cooled BEAST would be great too.

Keep us posted on what you decide on. Either way you go you're still within the Buell Brotherhood.

Midnight - Buelling since 2009
I want an 1125 but am worried about service after the warranty. Will HD still work on it and how about parts five years from now? Oh and if I were to sell it, would there be any residual value? Questions I've been bouncing around for a while now.
I think we'll all be facing resale issues if we choose to part with our loving rides. But that just means it's a buyer's market.

HD has agreed to produce parts for 7 years, and there are also a ton of aftermarket companies out there that are still making parts. In all honesty time will tell.

Midnight - Committed to my Buell
First the rotax is in plenty other bikes
I doubt there won't be parts
not to mention EBR still building 1125r's he can't build a wrest version right now but time will tell
resale right now blows but once stocks are depleted .I bet they will get back to what they where
I've never riden an 1125, but i just am not feeling the looks of the bike. I have an 09 xb12r white/blue and think i made the best decision. I have a D&D on it and it just sounds bad ass. People look at me and ask me what kind of bike it is and give me the thumbs up. i just love the look of my bike, its different than everything else out there. Performance wise its just enough for me, I dont need to do 140+, i'm content with breaking 100 on the highway.. If i had to do it all over again, xb12r would be my choice, again.Love it to death, love it more than my gf at times. =] I can just go out for a twenty minute ride on my bike and come back happy as a clam. I boughtmy bike in august of 09 with 6 miles on it from the harley dealer. it currently has 2,205 miles on it and everyone of those miles put a smile on my face.
Thanks for the replies. Heading out tomorrow to ride the xb12r again and hope to make a decision. Quick note...saw a 2010 xb12r firebolt for sale in lancaster, ca. Yellow and black...Sweet! they're asking 10 and change. [confused]
I know that Rotax makes engines for other bikes but I didn't think it was the same engine as that in the 1125. The engine in the Aprilia is not the same and I'm pretty sure the ones in water craft and snow mobiles and helicopters are different too. I wonder if places that repair those will eventually work on Buells [smirk]
I have an 05 xb 12 r & I wouldn't ever give it up!
Yeah ,I haven't ridden a cr yet , but I imagine it's different enough from the firebolt.
I've checked the cr out at dealers& read a bit about them-the looks have grown on me,&
So I will eventually add one to the stable.
Personally,I would keep the cr& save some dough for a used,well taken care of firebolt.
Two (or3) buells are better than one!didn't you hear owning buells is addictive?:D
Get the Bolt, if you get the CR eventually you're gonna look at it and say "**** me, that's one UGLY bike"
I could have bought a 1125R cheaper than my 08 Bolt but would have run into the same thing. ( I've test ridden both) Wayne
LOL Race i nearly bought one of the 6500 otd cr's with full intentions to put a bolt fairing on it.
but i paid a little more and got an r instead

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