10K service - FAIL

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Aug 6, 2008
Okay, So I took my bike in to a dealership Thursday before this weekend's ride to get a 10K service and to get a new front tire put on. They tell me that they can do the tire, but are unsure if they have an opening for a 10K. I tell them that I can pickup the bike, late Friday, do what you can, my ride is Sat morn.

They call Friday, tell me that the 10K is done and the tire is on, $500. Okay, seems high, but it is a 10K, and they got me for seperate labor for the tire. Fine, I want to ride this weekend and it's already after closing time, I pay and go.

I get out on the ride, about 100 miles out of town and while I'm around 4k rpm, something doesn't sound right, Like a very tight rattle or something, I have a feeling that this wasn't right, so... I ride highway 25, and have a generally good time, speed, corners, some "yut-ughs", and no tickets.

After we come back out of 25, and I decide to be lame and go home. Well I am about 250 miles on the trip meter and all of a sudden my bike sounds like a lawnmower. I stop and look.


The flange that holds the header into the head, has shimmied down the pipe, scuffed it all up, and is resting where the two pipes come together. The header nuts were gone. WTF?! I called the stealership right away, and said WTF, I was just in there and 250 miles later my exhaust is falling off!!!

The service manager was really apologetic and said they would take care of it, and asked where I was at. Well I was 63 miles from the dealer and it was an hour to closing. He offered that If I could limp it to the closest HD dealer, they'd pay for their service to get the flange secured so I could get the bike up north to the offending dealer. I said alright, whatever, and hung up.

I looked on my phone, and the closest dealer was 20 miles away. ****. I decided that all the other dealer was going to do was put a nut on and send me on my way, so I got an idea. I searched for a hardware store. 2 miles. I rode my lawnmower real light up to the HW store, and got some grade8 5/16 by 24 nuts and washers. Also, not having tools, I got a 1/2" socket (for the nuts) and a adapter for the driver thing in my buell kit. I figured that if the dealer was going to pay for the quick fix, I could just take them the receipt from the HW store.

I got the nuts and washers on there and started to tighten the nuts until I noticed the plastic handle was starting to spin against the shaft of the buell kit driver, piece of ****. Fine, whatever, as long as I have something holding the exhaust on I'm happy for now. I get back on the freeway, and everything sounds cool again, but that weird vibration i had from earlier was still there. Then the fuel light comes on.

25 miles into the fuel light and I stop for some gasohol. 94 octane, 4.03 gallons. I check to see if the nuts i put on are still there, and yes, and one was loose. I get the driver back out and tighten it as much as the handle would let me before it spun free again. Back on the freeway.

A few more miles into the journey, and now I have a nice rattle that sounds like it did when the flange came off, but this time, the exhaust sounds fine. It's 5 more miles to my house and I need to ****, **** it. I get home, start listening to the motor. At first I thought the back flange was ****** too, but thats not where the rattle was coming from. I look at the front exhaust, still on there. I rev some more, finally get really low, and my front exhaust hanger is almost falling off!!!!!

WHAT THE ****?

I call the service manager again, tell mil I am 40 miles closer to the dealership, but now my front exhaust hanger is way loose and looks like it wants to fall off, and tell him I am not riding another mile.

Again, real apologetic, and asks where I am now. I tell him I made it home, about 20 miles from the dealer. He says to hold on to see if they can get the 'tow truck' my way. He comes back to confirm that I'm not stranded, and then offers to get my bike on Monday, as the dealer is a few minutes from closing.

So this is where I stand. My exhaust system is threating and trying to fall off of my bike. 250 miles after a $400 10K service. I am not going to pay a dime out of pocket for this. The 13 dollars of tools/parts should be reimbursed, and the exhaust should be fixed. Whether the dealer wants to bill warranty or take the hit, I don't intend on paying them for not checking on the tightness of the nuts.

The other issue, is the header. The flange left some nice scrape marks on the pipe, and a little rubbing action on one of the cooling fins. I am going to push for a new header.

Any thoughts?
I would ask to be reimbursed for the 10k service since you have no clue to the fact if they even did it. Not to mention you have no trust in their abilities now that your bike is falling apart.

At the absolute least I would demand they do a thorough inspection of the entire bike and go over every bolt again since the first time was obviously not enough.[down]
Wow thats absolutely pathetic! Im curious to what they for you. Reminds me when i got my bike back and they had my shifter backwards. So i was kicking down into 5th haha. So yeah i try to do my own service!
They sure as hell won't give you any of your money back but they will at least swap the studs (if damaged) and nuts, probably should replace the seals for the header. Getting them to replace the header might be hard but I'd push for it.

I was thinking the same, I paid for a 10K and dammit, why do I feel so cheated? My header would NOT be all scratched if the bolts were tightened properly.

actually, does the 10K service involve removing the exhaust? Or was it a tech who thought the exhaust had to come off to get at the oil filter?
They sure as hell won't give you any of your money back but they will at least swap the studs (if damaged) and nuts, probably should replace the seals for the header. Getting them to replace the header might be hard but I'd push for it.

It’s been my experience never to see money reimbursed, try for a new header they can only say no
my last "service" at 8000km's they didn't do the brake recall even though they have ordered the parts twice over already(ohh sorry we ordered wrong kit number). Didn't put synthetic in even though kid service adviser gave me 10 minute pep up on benefits.Pick up bike that was spotless before they had it to find soap stains all over the bars and mirrors and swirls from a dirty chamois in my translucents.After i had my winge (to no avail ) i go to fuel up and notice oil dripping off the front of my muffler.I went to them because i love my bike but they are fools who don't give a ****. I will never buy another bike that requires these moron's to work on it. Go for broke kajer but from my limited experience they don't give a ****.
good roadside repair. sorry bout the headaches. as they say "be nice but firm" when dealing with them. good luck.
I have had problems with my bike runinng right ever since my 10k service. I took it back, had them "fix" it only to have the same problem still present and them telling me "Its probably more than one problem causing your bike to run bad" so they try to charge me again for more parts and labor for a problem they should haev fixed the first time I sent it in, how can you fix something and bill me $232 and still have the same exact problem as before...
i find it funny how , i am not a certified mc tech. i do all my own work just did a top end gasket and i have never had any issues like the guys that take their bikes to the dealer. nor have i had any bikes come back to me for work i did. just did a top end on a 79 sporty valve seals and valve reseat. i dont know where they find these guys . my motto is (If your not going to do it right,then don't do it at all)
Harley owners must have had bad experiences with dealers too it can't imagine a shop just doing shoddy work or providing bad service for a certain make.
used bike no warrenty = never going back to the dealer. used to work at a shop and most of the techs i knew were stoners and idiots....will do my owe work thanks for reinforcing that.

sorry about the problems, definately get the header if you can and if you have the time watch them do the 10k service over again, just to make sure it gets done this time.
So I went to the dealer the other day to check it out and bitch a bit...

The front bolt that holds the front exhaust hanger/bracket was missing. The strap broke. and they are looking to do the repairs under warranty.

They did say they were going to try to get the header replaced under warranty, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
They did say they were going to try to get the header replaced under warranty, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

The ****? If not they better be paying it out of their own pockets. Talk to the general manager at your dealership if the fool helping you tells you to kick rocks.
They called me today, said that one of the rear cylinder exhaust bolts was also broken. They are replacing everything under warranty, and if they can't get that bolt out, they will have to replace the cylinder head! The header is still up in the air, but is still an option to warranty it if they **** doesn't polish out.
I honestly think they are Buell haters. On my 08 XT, they said they replaced a needle bearing and it never shifted right after that. I broke the shift arm one day because it was so tight. When I was inspecting the bike, I found that they forgot to hook up the wire stay next to the engine.
I traded it in for an 09 SS. Found a broken battery strap. They ordered a new one. I took it in and my bike was in the back for an hour. They finally tell me that they broke the new strap. I took the bike home and inspected it for damage. They didn't even put the fuse cover on right, it was just lying on top, backwards.
I think I'll do my 1000 mile inspection myself. I'm afraid they'll do more damage in the long run. I've worked on aircraft long enough to know how to turn a wrench.

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