12 header and TB on a 9

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Nov 23, 2010
I have some questions for any of you that might have some more experience with these mods. I'd like to get the most out of my 9 without really getting inside of the engine. I have an open air box with K&N, and am going to modify the muffler myself(basically gut it then put a perforated 2" pipe all the way straight through). I'm thinking the 12 TB would be a good mod, and maybe even have it bored out larger. I think it is 49mm, and I think the 9 TB is 41mm. Are they the same casting other than the bore though? As in, could I bore my 9 TB to the same size as I could bore the 12 TB? I don't want to buy the 12 TB if I can accomplish the same thing with my current one. And are the injectors the same between the 9 and 12?

Also, I'm thinking of getting 12 headers, in place of the 9 one's. I will also ceramic coat which ever headers I go with.

Then finally once it's all together get a custom tune from a good shop that's down the street from me.

Any input on the TB and headers is appreciated.
The injectors are the same between the two. The XB9 TB is 45mm. You will have a more difficult time getting a good partial throttle tune with a larger bore TB.
Eric, your not totally correct on that one. The '02-'03 TB is a two piece design, like the x1's and s3's. The injectors are pointed, and the same front to back. The '04-'07 is one piece and the injectors are straight up and down and can't be swapped front to back.
I have a 12 TB on my '03 and really didn't see a much of an improvement even with some tuning.
Thanks for the replies. I thought the 9 TB was 41mm at least that's what I got from some google searching.

I've done larger TB's on cars without issues, why would this be different on the bike? Not arguing, just don't understand...

Do you guys think I'd be better off with the 9 or 12 header?

What all would you guys recommend, I'm not looking to break the bank, but I'm willing to spend a little if it's easy, reliable, long lasting performance.
I would do a airbox delete, iridium plugs, exhaust, and get a good tune in it before I did the tb or headers I doubt it would be worth it, and a rss if you dont have one
I have an airbox delete with K&N, and I just recieved the materials I need to modify the muffler. I'll be doing that soon. I want to do the TB and header at the same time, so there's little down time. Which ever header I go with, I'll send it to be ceramic coated. Then once it's all back together have it tuned. That's as far as I'll go performance wise I believe, so I'd like to do the "best" setup. Also I have the iridium NGK colder plugs and a RSS and breather reroute
The 03 9s have the small throttle body. I installed a 06 12 tb on my 2003 9s. Definitely woke it up a bit on the upper mid to top end. Also seems more responsive maybe due to the revised injector placement. I know it needs some tuning and is a little lean. I have a 12 header but was told it would be hard to tune and loose some low end. Thinking of running the bigger header with a 1050 kit.
Ok so trying to get my info clear...

2003 9 TB was 41mm and had two piece design with pointed injectors

2004+ 9 TB's are 45mm and are one piece with straight injectors

12 TB's are 49mm and are one piece with straight injectors

This correct?

I assume the later 9 TB's perform better than the earlier(2003) ones, yes?

I don't see how the larger 12 TB on the 9(tuned) could possibly not make more power. I could possibly see the 12 header on the 9 losing a little power, though.

I'm thinking the best setup might be the 12 TB with the 9 header.

Does this sound reasonable?

And what kind of power would I be looking at? 100hp?
100 hp at the crank, maybe. Without engine mods, 100 at the wheel is stretching it a bit in my opinion.

Going to a larger diameter exhaust can help some, I built one for my 1125, it's 1/4" larger at the primaries. Feels like it's got a little more power, haven't dyno'd it yet though. Low end was definitely improved, at least by feel. I know that doesn't help on an XB, but it's something to consider anyway.
Yeah I meant 100hp at the crank. Isn't it 92hp at the crank stock? I'd think with the mods I'm talking about and a real tune 100hp should be conservative and very achievable.

I've heard the race kit (k&n, ecm, and muffler) get you to about 100hp.
talk to xopti, I believe it was one of the first things he did to his 9 before he went into the engine mods.
Hopefully he'll see this...

I'm willing to spend a few hundred on the TB and also on the header. I just want to have the best configuration. I don't plan on any internal mods, honestly the bike is strong enough for me as is, but I'd like to tap into all the "easy and cheap" power. A few more horses won't hurt...

What do you all think about the muffler I'm going to do? Basically just connect the inlet from the header to the exit of the muffler so it's a straight through 2" pipe. Going to use a "perforated" pipe to help quiet it down, and mandrel bends. I'll pretty much gut the remaining insides of the muffler, for weight.
what makes you say that? lol. I'm just safe, I still use it...

Straight pipe would be too loud for me. My hearing is bad enough as it is. I don't know if you've noticed but I can't hear worth a damn. It's still going to be very loud I'm sure...
what makes you say that? lol.  I'm just safe, I still use it...

I don't know ? I just usually have to squint to see you in my mirrors :p

Nah just giving ya a hard time :D

Straight pipe would be too loud for me

My bike to loud for you ? Is that why your always way back there ?:D
btw thanks for your help in an earlier thread about diameter of the exhaust pipes. I got the stuff I need to modify my muffler the other day, so that project should be done by say 2014.....? :D