190 handling??

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Jul 20, 2009
I'm getting new tires this week and the 190 series is 10$ cheaper. Now I'm not too concerned with the $ but I've always thought a little wider tire looks cool. So for you guys that have ridden both (on a XB) is there a noticeable difference???
is there a noticeable difference???

just kiddin [up]
I never noticed a difference. I'd go back and forth between the 180 and 190 too.
Now if you go bigger than that there will be a noticeable difference.
Can someone tell me for sure if a 200/50/ 17 will fit my 03 bolt without belt guards.
I don't like the 190. When I lean it feels like i'm falling off a cliff, the 180 had a rounder profile and feels more comfortable to me.
Thx gauge. That's what I was lookin to hear. The back of my mind kept telling me, there's a reason the pro super bikes use a 180...
if I only weigh about 150 will a 180 handle a 420 better than a 190 or will the 190 make me wish I had not done the 420 without having the 180 instead of the 190? Should I 360 and not do the 420 even if I have the 180? Should I ask the same question but substitute the 180 with the 190? Should I gain about 50? If I did gain the 50 how would the 180 handle comapred to the 190? And would I be able to tell the difference or would the actual difference between the two comparisons really be just 10mm and 50lbs? [confused]
p.s. I used a cheater/breakover bar to tighten my oil drian plug and now it is stuck on there. My neighbor has a welder but isnt that good at welding but he tried to heat the bolt with weld arc and some of the wiring caught fire so I'll be out for a while.
My next rear tire will be a 200 (190 now). I've done that on other bikes and noticed a difference. But to me it's a matter of getting used to it. Nothing detrimental. Went back to a 190 and thought I liked the feel better. But I think it may have just felt familiar again. In any case, I will do a 200 next on the Buell more for looks, not caring about feel. It does look way cool. OK give me a load but then tell me you hadn't done anything to your bike just for looks.
Just got my 005 shinko 200/50/17 for my BOLT from smith family powersports. Only $99.00 shipped! They have an eBay store but I called and got it cheaper, check em out for less than $100. 200mm tire. Btw ordered Friday at lunch, came Saturday at lunch! Very very fast.
They actually use 190's in motogp that means that everyone should use that size because it is the best....

The 1190 has a 190 also and it is ama.

Get what you want.
the width from the back is only a miniscule difference, promise, you wont even be able to tell. a lot of poeple say theyre going wider just to look cool, but then are surprised when you cant even tell a difference. and it WILL affect how it dives into corners. will take some getting used to, but then again if youre not cornering a ton and just cruise riding you wont feel a gigantic difference there either. i always tell people im not paying all that extra $$$ for a 190 or 200 but if its cheaper, its probably a breakeven kind of thing

i also think 180 is completely sufficient

so basically, IMO it will effect cornering ability and take getting used to

and you wont even notice the difference just by eyeballing it

so why bother at all?
I have had to stock perelli dioblo in both 190 and 180. The only difference that i felt is when laying into a hard turn it feels like the 190 has a little bit more of a drop then the 180.. i prefer the 190 just because its wider. I now have metzlers on it in a 190 which have yet to ride on yet due to the cold weather and salty roads. may try the 200 next time around.. Too each his own.. Try it and see every bike will handle a bit different
I have michelin pr2 190/50. Rides great, lookes better then 180/55.

These are fine for the dutch roads ;-)