Today i finally finished fixing up the Buell from an accident back in the beginning of september. i was so excited i didn't even care that it was 35 out i double layered up and started her up for the first time took a couple trys but she hasn't been loved for a couple months. But right when i left the driveway i got the feeling as if i have been riding forever, she took off so strong and reminded me just how nice that American torque just felt. it brought back that smile i had over the summer riding everyday. But during these few months ive been looking at bike stuff just for the hell of it suck as new bars or paint options but as soon as i was riding i realized it needs nothing the bike is perfect the way it is and that couldn't make me (or my wallet) happier. So basically i just had to share how much i love these bikes and i honestly think that i wouldn't be writing this about any other bike Also summer needs to get here quick i dont think i cant wait that long again!!!