2007 Xb12Ss - trade

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
I got this bike last week thinking it was an S model. Since 99% of my riding is done in town, I think I can have more fun on the shorter model. Link to my introduction post http://www.buellxb.com/Buell-XB-For...12S-XB12Ss-CityX-XB12Scg/New-XB12-in-Orlando.

I'm obviously not in a hurry to get rid of it. I love it. But I think I would love a shorter model more, so I'm gonna post it here and see what kind of response I get. I'm located in Orlando, Fl.

Did you ever get the bars sorted out? I'm thinking about trying to convert my xb9sx to a uly but it might be cheaper if I started with a ss.

Shoot me some info about the bike.
I'll just post it here in case anyone else has the same question.

The bars are still in the weird position. Gloomshadow has generously offered to let me ride his 9s to see if there was a difference, but the weather has been **** here and I haven't made the 30 minute trip. I'm sure I'll see him early next week. We're going to mess with the bar position, and also tune me ECM to a race tune.

Is the frame and suspension interchangeable between 9sx and my 12ss? Im asking because if someone is interested in a trade but prefers __ part of their bike, most parts can be kept, correct?

Where are you located DDD?
That suspension is the same height as a 9sx, the rake is different the frame is the same length and the rear shock is the same size. What makes it longer is the rake and the swingarm.

Research Research Research my friend.

Google holds the answer to any question you have.
My problem is...I think to fit a uly rear shock I should use the longer swing arm. I haven't seen one of those in silver. I also believe I'd have to use uly or ss triples and if also need to switch to a 06+ air box and air box cover so that the left scoop isn't sticking up all the dirt being thrown off the front tire.

I haven't really confirmed all of this so I don't know if that's right or not, in just going off of visual observation and little common sense. Just seems like it'd be cheaper to start with a ss. I currently have the bike listed for trade for a uly on ADVrider.

I live in ft. Myers Florida. It's about a 4 hour drive.
IHave a 2007 xb12s and I originally wanted the long. I low sided at tge Dragon last year so my left side got some scratches on the swing arm and the frame I dont know if if the damage on your bike is comparable but if it is and you will trade straight maybe we can work something out. My plastics are pretty rashed up so you'd want to swap those so you can keep the nice ones and I also want my wheels. if you're interested we can figure out a time to get together and ride for a bit see if it's what we both want. I live downtown so not very far from UCF. I just took some pictures and here's the link sorry that they are pretty bad quality but it's in my garage and it's cold outside
Also the frame on a SS is totally different then a s frame. And the mounting points for the subframe are different then an s frame.
Couldn't you trade the ss swingarm for an 's' or 'r'? I take it the frame shock mount is the same between the ss and the s/r.

I remember reading something about this but can't remember the exact combinations.
Ya you can put a SS swingarm on a s people do it all the time I'm not sure of everything you need cause I haven't done it myself.
Well I've seen a few bikes, but none that I thought were worth trading for. Still riding it for now. I just bought a stock triple clamp and bar clamps from a member here. I'll post a before and after when I get them installed.