2009 XB12R -Wiring Issue? Need Help

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Sep 8, 2024

I am hoping someone can help me with my issue as I am unable to find out the cause.

My son was out riding and encountered the bike not wanting to start. He said everything seemed normal but then heard the starter click once, kind of loudly and then a bunch of other symptoms popped up.

1. He noticed that the relay box started clicking. Narrowed this down to the Key Relay. Replaced Relay, no help.
2. The Neutral and Oil Psi light on IC (Instrument Cluster) were very dim.
3. Could not get the bike lights on IC to turn on normally, CEL (Check Engine Light) nor the fuel pump did not come on at all when right hand switch placed in run position. Replaced the right hand switch because there was no continuity with old switch.

At this time, I've tried checked / replaced the following parts.

Battery - Solid at 12.7 VDC
30Amp Fuse -Good
Right Hand Switch -No Help
Ignition Switch -No Help
ECU - I had a serviceable spare, No Help.
Removed, Cleaned and Reinstalled NEG Ground terminal -No Help
Removed, Cleaned and Reinstalled Body Grounds -No Help
Checked All Fuses, All Ok
Replaced all Relays - No Help and symptoms remain the same.

Performed wiring checks from Key Relay to Fuse box, all seem ok.

I am out of ideas on what to check next. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Your 2009 battery is an ETX-14 model regardless of brand. Fully charged in known good condition is approx 13.2 VOLTS at rest

Closely check all four ends of both battery cables for cleanliness and continuity. Cable ends known to crack at battery

A "clicking" fuse box KEY SWITCH RELAY or STARTER RELAY is always low DC voltage at the relay during start procedure

Mighty Max battery being the lone exception....if you have some POS Chinese battery now installed it's likely the source of your problem
Thanks Barrett & 34nineteen, I removed my NAPA battery and had it load tested and sure enough, it was bad! I was not able to get any type of warranty as NAPA said it was a 3 month warranty, SAD as I purchased it in Dec '22.

Anyway, I went to Car Quest and purchased a ETX-14 Diehard battery, had store load test before taking it with me. I installed battery and what do you know, it all worked again!
I did spend several hours wrapping up the harnesses and securing everything which I did not have to do, LOL!

Thanks, and the 2009 Buell XB12R / Back in Service.
My pleasure Sir. Buell XB's are hell on batteries. A few suggestions to prolong battery life and avoid this in the future:

1-Remove negative cable from battery terminal and check your XB for parasitic loss. The procedure on youtube or I can walk you thru it if not familiar. Buells typically do NOT have a problem with this but check for assurance. NO more than 120-150 milliamps

2-Tender the battery OR charge at 6 amps for 15 minutes or so once weekly. Keeps it topped off and fresh

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