"Upgrading" the VR to a series style unit is the best fix without replacing the rotor with an oiling one or drilling "vents" as it keeps the stator current at a minimum as opposed to the factory unit which keeps stator current at maximum (shunt style VR).
Hopefully the sprag is still good by ensuring Neutral starts instead of "in-gear" starts.
Tell me about. I know all about the sprague issues lol. I think I will stay away from the 10 since it hasn't been updated with fix. I would rather find one with it done so I can spend my money on goodies.
Looks like it sold. Did you get it? The VR is still a shunt style, but that should be okay with the oiling rotor. The sprag is hopefully still good. Mine gave up on life just 600 miles after purchase from PO.
I thought it was a good deal too. I paid 4k for an 1125r several years ago with all kinds of issues and 20k. I have been looking for a cr with low miles for a year or two. Last night I happened to just mosey on over to eBay. Found it and in ten minutes pulled the trigger. I had been looking at aprilia and rc51's but they are all dated compared to the Buell. The price seemed right with the charging system being fixed. Just looking for a shipper now. I thought I was going to travel to S. Carolina but decided I would wait a few weeks until it gets here. Just need to figure where to get the high bar kit.