75 mph to 0?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
So I'm clipping down the road on my 08 1125R around 75mph when I look down at my gauge and the thing reads 0. What the heck? I pull over and turn it off then start it up again and take off and its o-k. Then a couple of days later I'm riding down the road and the same thing, 0 on my gauge. This time I pull the clutch and shift up and down letting the clutch out with each gear shift and the thing starts reading fine at 70. Hmmmm, Has anyone else experienced this or heard of it?
i have not seen that yet lol i also have an 08, thats interesting, maybe something came unplugged cuz our bikes are so powerful :D
i read either here or buelletin or maybe it was youtube and a video, of another guy with teh same issue. he recorded it as the dealer couldnt find the fault when tested.
I had it happen a few months ago for a short time with my '09 Ss...riding along and the speedo would drop to zero for a little while. Did it off and on for a week or so, then started working fine again on it's own.
On my 08 12Ss the trip was resetting and the dealer checked all connections and said it was a faulty instrument cluster. Might be the same with yours. Dealer said 300 for the part plus 1 hour of service. Sucks.
it happened on mine when I first got it 2 different times, but it has been over a year since I have seen in happen. I noticed that a lot of the issues with the display occur mor frequent in the cooler months. I need to get mine in still.
Like Red said, it is probably the speed sensor if it goes back and forth from real speed to zero.

If it stays at zero there may be a blown fuse. I read somewhere that some guys horn was blowing the fuse that controls the horn and brake light. When he replaced the fuse, his speedo started working again. Not sure how they are related but it fixed it.
Had a similar experience this past summer on my '08. You can imagine my surprise when I was cruising down the interstate and looked down to see that my speedometer was reading 213 mph and then quickly went to 0 mph! After a week, it got to a point that it would just constantly be all over the place and I couldn't stand it.

Brought it into the HD shop in Racine and they isolated the issue to a bad speed sensor. The part was on back-order so it took them 2 weeks to fix and get my bike back. Luckily, I was overseas those two weeks and the timing worked out fine.

Your issue sound very similar and I would be surprised if it wasn't the same thing.

Last note here, the repair cost was $180 but the Racine HD did me a solid and covered it. They felt bad that I had been in the previous month for new clutch seals 1 month after the warranty expired.
Thanks for all the input guys. I guess its not a recall item huh. To bad. I love my bike, just wish it wasnt so full of bugs.:(
not a recall item, but may be fixable under warranty. best thing to do is if you have other issues with it like your CEL being on or LFL when you have a full tank of gas, take it in and have it replaced. most dealers know the issues with them and dont have issues ordering the new parts.