a little buell video

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Nov 9, 2008
Hey, i put together a mash of some clips i had on my comp from back home (upstate ny). I just posted it on youtube and since there is a little buell in it i figured i'd share for those interested. There really isn't much tho. video
oh wow, you watched the whole thing haha. yeah that was my buddy. stuff like thats always happening to him its great.
yeah I was dying for more speed tho. those 4 wheelers just aren't made to rip through the snow. when i go back home for winter break (im in tx for school) i want to try to get a snowmobile out there so my skis can see some real air. btw did you notice my nephews trying to pop little wheelies near the beginning? haha i love those guys. the younger one is obsessed with motorcycles. when my sister had her latest kid he was all excited and said "i want to be a mommy!" and my sister was like "no when you grow up you are going to be a daddy." and he got really offended and said "whao whao...when i grow up i'm getting a motorcycle."
THat is too much fun for any group of people to be having. I dont get snow like that here in GA, but I love taking my raptor out in the dirt and doing the doughnut and stuff. I noticed your nephew trying to do the wheelie, but he couldnt get it up because he was on a girls bike. LOL Have fun and enjoy it while you can. Just remember to be safe. Its not worth it if you get hurt. I know I blew my lumbar muscles out when I over shot a 60' table top. Now I just do doughnuts and baby jumps. To many mouths depending on me if you know what I mean.
haha yeah, i have had my fair share of knocks. Been lucky enough not to have had any "major" injuries tho. just broken bones and big cuts...things of that sort. nothing to keep me down. For the record if any of you are ever presented with the choice to have your tailbone broken or not...choose not to have it broken. It is the most painful yet unimpressive injury I have ever had...and it happened twice.
Oh yeah, haha that little pink 4 wheeler was a garbage pick. It was battery powered at one point, so of course i souped it up but after the new batteries died my sis never replaved them. I must say hes still not bad for a 2 year old powered only by gravity haha.
Hey I know this is an old thread, but i wanted to use it to let you guys know that COMING SOON is another, video...ALL ABOUT BUELL! I wanted to give some warning so that others could make videos too. Its so much fun. My editing style is similar to the video linked in this thread, but again...this ones all about buell!
Thanks guys! Yeah i would have loved to have more dirtbike jumps in there. Unfortunately I didn't used to tape as much as I would have liked. Those were my first ride of that season so I didn't do any tricks or anything. Oh, and speaking of jumps...nvm, just wait for my next video! DOes anyone else have any buell footage? post post post!

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