A little help with my header

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Jan 19, 2013
Hello Buell crew, it's been ages since I've been here. A few months ago I had an incident while riding and decided to put her on the bench and work on other projects.

This weekend I set up everything to do the motor rotation to get the headers out. Thanks to everyone putting the guide so perfectly together for me to get everything apart quickly. So what happened, you might ask?

Well, while I was on the freeway coming home from work I felt an impact that I couldn't quite describe. Pulled over, noticed that the front header nuts were off, the gasket was gone, it was free floating. Limped it home, checked the next day to see what else was wrong. Turns out my O2 sensor bung was blown clean off. I've had numerous issues with the Buell in the 10 years of me having her, but this was a first.

Obviously finding OEM parts will be tricky, and I can't imagine there's any amount of welding sorcery can restore the bond here. All the eBay headers I've found seem to be either XB9 or pre-O2 sensor installation. Not ready to give up on the old girl yet, but this might be a tough one. Any help and advice would be appreciated. image.jpg
I'm betting that header was "wrapped" at one point in its life. Always a terrible idea for Buell headers.
I have total of THREE New-In-Box XB12 factory headers in stock if you need one. Not cheap but might be only alternative.
I'm betting that header was "wrapped" at one point in its life. Always a terrible idea for Buell headers.
I have total of THREE New-In-Box XB12 factory headers in stock if you need one. Not cheap but might be only alternative.

Hi John, Why is it a terrible idea to wrap Buell headers? Is it because it may encourage rusting? When I purchased my XB12X, it had a very well done "titanium"type header wrap, and I rather like the look & cool factor. I know that some probably do the wrap to cover up old unsightly pipes, but I thought it was more for containing the heat through the pipe a bit better, and facilitate scavenging.
Hi John, Why is it a terrible idea to wrap Buell headers? Is it because it may encourage rusting? When I purchased my XB12X, it had a very well done "titanium"type header wrap, and I rather like the look & cool factor. I know that some probably do the wrap to cover up old unsightly pipes, but I thought it was more for containing the heat through the pipe a bit better, and facilitate scavenging.

Bob: From experience, and also from querying Danny many years ago regarding wrapped XB headers...it's ill-advised. The OEM XB headers have a combination of nickel and chromium in the steel to help reduce corrosion and to allow cleaning via light scuffing to remove marks and discoloration. Every XB header I've ever seen that developed stress cracks as well as fractures around the O2 bung area, had been wrapped. When the lead Harley Davidson powertrain engineer who designed the XB engine series tells me it's a bad idea....I listen to him.
Bob: From experience, and also from querying Danny many years ago regarding wrapped XB headers...it's ill-advised. The OEM XB headers have a combination of nickel and chromium in the steel to help reduce corrosion and to allow cleaning via light scuffing to remove marks and discoloration. Every XB header I've ever seen that developed stress cracks as well as fractures around the O2 bung area, had been wrapped. When the lead Harley Davidson powertrain engineer who designed the XB engine series tells me it's a bad idea....I listen to him.

Well, dang it! But thanks for your great answer John.
There is absolutely no need to rotate the engine for header removal. Unless you're doing other things? Are the studs in the head OK? Lots of threads on the subject, I can walk you through it if you like.

I have some used headers in good shape of you want to replace it cheaply. However, they can be easily welded for a permanent repair by anyone familiar with stainless steel.
Thank y'all for the help! Got a small update as well.

Barrett: I've had her for around 10 years now, and I never did any wrap/coating to the headers. Can't remember if there was one when I got it or before that. I was curious to know what the type of metal was as I grabbed the strong magnet I have to check. It seemed to barely stick to it, making me think it was some kind of titanium. But, that does make sense now!

Cooter: yes, I read the threads on not having to rotate the motor for header removal. Didn't know if there was any other damage done, plus honestly it wasn't that bad to do the rotation. I was looking forward to actually working on one of the bikes in the garage, most of the time spent was me trying to remember where all my tools were since I have been doing a lot more paint work than fun projects for myself. But next tine, definitely not rotating it!

Update: reached out to an old friend who happens to be in the racing community. He has offered to assist since they have the tools and know-how. I'll reach out soon to get a back up one just in case the repair fails.

After a month of working like a dog I'm finally able to relax and do fun stuff again, like fix the Super TT. Have sent messages to those that have new or used headers, though there doesn't seem to be any confirmation that they actually went through haha.

Question for the experts: is it worth going back to a stock exhaust from the Drummer? Aside from it being just way too loud for my now old man ears, would the stock one vibrate less? Can't imagine that some of my problems aren't related to it. Thoughts?
Got your PM and just responded.
A stock XB12 muffler with original IEV system installed and operational is a very nice pieced. They do not vibrate one single bit if installed correctly with all factory OEM mounts...hardware....straps. If you determine that you want to return to completely functional stock 12 exhaust set-up...I have a like-new 12 muffler with complete IEV system intact and functional on the muffler including cable. I have no use for it.

PM sent. Looking forward to getting the old girl back on the road.

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