this is MLV:
its what takes the info from your datalog, and does the math for you based on your desired fueling.
quick reference: (for setting up a log file)
- be sure you have a 'megalog' folder in ECMspy after installing ECMspy and MLV
- set up bike's ECM for a log*
- start logfile and ride the bike for 15-20 mins in the problem area
- get home, stop log, turn off bike.
- open log file in MLV, load the current map file that the bike was using into MLV...set up MLV for analysis**
- open the VE Analyzer, select afrBins1 or 2 (NOT
* in the ECM, youll need to disable the AFV. different ways to do this:
you can disable 02 in the diagnostics section,
disable idle closed loop enable and open loop learn (which should always be off IMO)in the ECM Config section; put a real high value in for "Min TPS and RPM for 02 activate" in the ECM Config section,
some say its not necessary but i disable the open loop corr and make it 100.
**In MLV, you need to be sure you "Load MSQ" of the current map files your bike was using during the log. for the analysis, you need to use veBins2..this is the rear cylinder map. use this because the rear cylinder is where the 02 is.
setting up the analyzer you need to select a minimum coolant temp to filter the values... i use 150 i think. then with the other options, you are able to filter out rpm and tps areas.
select the afrBins1 or 2 for analysis
be sure to select narrowband, unless youre using the LC1, etc.
run the analysis, use that map, copy to the front cylinder and add 2 to it. +4 to 6 points in the idle area if you changed anything there.
do it over until youre not getting much change on that calculations. there will be some variance.
when all done, set 02 midV to .50
set ECM back to factory settings.
thats the short version, neglecting tuning idle, timing, enrichments, and 'accel pump'
hope this helps!