Stumbled upon this guy...
"Buell service - $1 (Los lunas)
I have the program to upload custom race maps to any ecm. I also have the ability to rest the tps and afv values to make your bike run better. Due to the fact that harley davidson doesn't do any of this anymore i invested in my own program. I am will to travel to your bike to do any of these thing. Should only take a couple min to make your bike run way more powerful. Any questions email me or call/txt 3079556.
Location: Los lunas
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posting ID: 4176380450 Posted: 22 days ago Updated: 18 days ago email to a friend"
I love how he "invested in his own program."
"Buell service - $1 (Los lunas)
I have the program to upload custom race maps to any ecm. I also have the ability to rest the tps and afv values to make your bike run better. Due to the fact that harley davidson doesn't do any of this anymore i invested in my own program. I am will to travel to your bike to do any of these thing. Should only take a couple min to make your bike run way more powerful. Any questions email me or call/txt 3079556.
Location: Los lunas
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posting ID: 4176380450 Posted: 22 days ago Updated: 18 days ago email to a friend"
I love how he "invested in his own program."