stupidfuka wouldnt need a video if he could recite the mods done to achieve the feat.
after all that has been the crutch of it all. lack of detail or consistency.
it was chain (although never apic), then belt. then what ever else.
all engine mod with no changes to sprockets and drives, but now there are.
it was originally all about the engine mods, until with all the replies it dawned on him that it means nothing with out the gearing.
afterall i have a 1776 ported polish twin kad engine in my splitty, but with the same running gear it still only did the same top speed as my original 1200 donk, of 54mph. got there damn quick though. changing gearing and removing reduction hubs, meant now a lot faster.
rrh doesnt need a video, just some simple straight talking facts and pics. or sell the damn buell and buy the kwaka he wants so that he can go faster.