Any body on here make their own clutch/throttle cables?

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May 23, 2010
I have been toying with the idea of getting a cable making kit, and was curious if any fellow buellers have any advice on any complete kits, or good tools?
I was ordering a spare uly clutch cable today, and seems all the used ones cost almost as much as the new ones. Tried to order from surdyke hd, and they wouldn`t let me buy it because I was out side their dealer area. They had a good price, and reasonable shipping. At least St. Paul has a good stock pile of parts.
anyway would be cool to make new clutch and throttle cables if needed.
Hey Mike: How are you? John Lutz here. I have a dealer account via Harley Davidson with Motion-Pro. Joe Fratis runs entire Motion-Pro production and coordinates production with requested dealer orders. Motion-Pro cables finest in the world. With just a single sample, I can have him produce any Buell cable desired but lead time is approx 4-6 weeks right now and minimum order is 25 cables. If I knew the demand was there for that minimum quantity, I'd submit orders and get them built. Sadly, not even enough active members on here these days to invest close to $1000 just for a run of cables. But they can be produced.
Thanks John, I understand. I havent had to change a clutch cable in a while, so I figure it`s time to have a few spares, and running low on throttle cables. I figure it may be worth a few hundred to have a kit, I would also pay towards a batch if you need any, We could just ebay some. People will need them sooner or later.

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