Any distance runners?

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Mar 28, 2011
Just curious I ran a 30k this morning and good god! I am hurting so bad. The last 3 miles was unreal I have never pushed myself so hard. Glad I did it but damn...
i like to do 5k's, i really dont like running enough to do it for any longer.

congratulations on finishing.
I normally do 8 to 10 every other day and weight train the others and try to fit in some BJJ. I am doing the 10 mile Tough Mudder next week. But I can't really get into that kind of difference, I tend to get board once I hit that 10 mile point. Congrats on the 30k thats a good haul. Are you preping for a marathon?
Not me bro, I'm a sprinter myself. I coach high school track and field and still love to run with my athletes. 400M tops, but I really like 200M and below : )

Wish I could run 30K... Well, not really but I'm glad you enjoy it [up]
Most I do is 4 miles every other day. Not bad for a 19 year old in the age of technology!
Thanks fellas! The best part was the last check point at 27KM They had beer! and at the finish they had SO MUCH BEER!!!

It was unreal the last 5KM where the most unreal experience I have never hurt so bad
I like to run myself as well but i tend to just keep it under 8 miles... my calves and feet start to hurt big time at that point so i stop before i start doing damage. I do tend to run faster so if i slowed it down maybe i could get farther... What pace do you keep for a 30k?
I did a marathon about a month ago, I sucked but I finished. Could hardly walk for a few days. Mostly I like to keep it about 5-6 miles at a time
I used to run 12 miles a day + whatever I did in my crazy sleeping habits, currently just taking it easy though.

I always managed to find a damn hole to step in
I'm far from a runner. My sister, on the other hand, is a competitive long distance runner. She does between 80 and 100 miles per week when she's in the training season.
I'm training for a marathon on 8 Jan now. Sprained my achilles a couple weeks ago and it has just healed back up. Haven't made it to 30k yet, and not looking forward to it!
What pace do you keep for a 30k?
Well I was running 8 min miles for the first 20K but after that I slowed way down to 10.5 min miles... Waist down cramps are UNREAL!!!
That's a great pace...I'll be thrilled if I can average a 10 minute mile or less for the duration of my marathon.
I wish I could have kept it up. My buddy finished in under 3 hours.
The fastest guy ran a 5min mile the whole time. That's just sick...
I must say that I get too tired after 4 miles - I just can't bring myself to slow down enough to go's either go fast or don't go at all. Kind of a good/bad thing.