Anybody from Chicago?

Buellxb Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2011
I feel like Im the only buell rider in chicago! anybody else riding a buell in chicago?
Really, thats awesome, I feel like the only buell rider in chicago LOL Next time you guys go riding let me know. looking for fellow buell riders to go with.
Im a bit farther out, northwest. crystal lake, towards rockford. I rarely see any buells out here except for the 3 people I know with them.
@ magic, im always by the logan square, I feel like I need creat some kind of buell riding club in chicago, @ gtp3800 I have family not to far from ya!
im in lake bluff but commute to the city everyday its nice. i have seen a few buells in the city and up by me. there are more than you think..
Gurnee IL, Libertyville IL, and Lakeforest IL.

@tseldon I dont doubt it, I see more Hondas, and suzuki everywhere though. Its awesome when I pull up next to other riders and they dont know what the heck a buell is :D
hahaha yeah i get that a lot as well. people always ask me "what is that? 600cc???"
@ magic, im always by the logan square,

it's like 15 min from me, I'm in Jefferson Park.

May be we all should meet somewhere convenient to check out each other rides and talk motorcycles?
@magic when are you taking the bike out?

Actually I'm leaving now Lol I will be riding with my buddy (he's on M109R boulevard)

I will be off on upcoming Saturday, if the weather will be nice and nothing pop up I think I'll ride
@magic, Sweet! ya Im working all week! but hey, if your out satruday let me know. If the weather nice, ill be out riding too!
If you guys ever head out towards me in woodstock/ crystal lake then ill be down to ride!
i live in wheaton i know big deal... younger cops eyeball me like im some kid little do they know 50 yrs young,,,they can't tell in full gear..