anybody know anything about the patent process?

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Jul 20, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
Alright, I know that there are a lot of engineering types on here. Anybody had any experience with applying for a patent? It's engine design related. I sent Mr. Buell a text message asking for advice, but no reply yet. I have three patents already, but they were owned by the companies I worked for. Two of the companies gave me a dollar each and made me employee of the year (woohoo) the other company gave me a company pen and pencil set, and the owner went out and bought a new boat (a big one). Anyway this idea has nothing to do with the product line or processes I work on for my current employer.
I have a patent (which I got nothing for) and have worked on (and around) others through my work. What do you want to know? How to write them? What to focus on? How to file? Can't help you with all those questions but I might be of some help with some of them. More info please...
right now I'm in the concept stage. I'm to the point of starting to engineer the prototype in a 3-D software. From that point I will fabricate the model using a Stereo Lithograph printer, making the parts out of ABS plastic. The next step would be to turn chips and make the real parts and put them on an existing engine. How far do I go before I apply for a patent? At somepoint I will need the assistance of someone with a degree in metalurgy. I would like to get the patent process underway before discussing the actual design. I know metalurgist at work, but want to be cautious of using work resources for obvious reasons.
make a print out of the blueprints, put it in an envelope, mail it to yourself, don't open it

proof of when you've had it formulated. the date from the post office will work if someone disputes whether you made it or not

make sure to date it yourself, sign your name and have a witness do the same. and if you really want to take it further get it notorized
Be very careful doing it at work, if you use any of there time or resources, they have claim to it, whether it directly effects their products or services or not what point can I apply for a patent? Do I have to have installed on a running engine? Can I apply when I have the parts fabricated in ABS? The design will be end user (specific engine) determined, but the concept can be applied to any four stroke engine.
I know it has to be defined well enough to search for 'Prior Art', but I want it to be basic though because it can apply to any four stroke engine(i.e., lawn mowers, bikes, auto's. gas or diesel). I guess that is where an engineer with a law degree would be helpful right now.
Yeah...You need to document your idea NOW!! You can start the patent process as soon as the idea is formulated so long as you think it through. The funny part is that it doesn't even have to work to be patentable. The details of the product are likely to change but if the patent is drafted well, it should still protect your invention. You may want to be working with a patent lawyer at this point. Unfortunately, that gets expensive quickly.
i do metalurgy, if i can be of any help let me know and ill do my best to answer any questions...
@black xb12r

sorry, didn't get to pm you last night. I walked into a family crisis when I got home last night. Kid's just started back to school yesterday. Anyway, I'll try to pm you again tonight. Thanks
well I spoke with a patent attorney today and have been advised to submit for a provisional patent. A provisional patent formally documents my submission and allows me upto one year to refine my proposal before I have to submit for a formal patent. That's what the 'Patent Pending' statement means on a manufactured part. Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their advice and comments on this forum. I've been pretty anal about talking to anyone about this because I've been screwed before. There are some really sincere and good people on this forum. That's why this is the one and only forum I belong to. I'll keep updating this as I go through this process. hopefully it can help someone else here.:)