Anyone have these thoughts?

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
I cant help but realize I absolutely love my bike and my buell gloves, but have you ever thought "WOW this will be worth something someday and these gloves are no longer produced?" Ever feel that way like you are unsure of using any of it?
No,beat it while you got it,or put the gloves away and buy another set,for me,why put something away to keep mint or for future use when there is no guarantee you will be around to use it,lifes short,enjoy it.
That's one of the things I hate about my xb9. It's so clean I can't bring myself to really abuse it like it was meant. When I trade it in for a xb12/S1 I'll hope for something with a few dents and dings. Then I can get straight to business and stop thinking about 'preserving' the bike. Downside to owning something rare, and there'll be a bit of a sigh of relief someday when I've got something I'm less worried about.
you know my dad is a Harley guy and his bikes are always bike is never clean but I am always riding mine and he always gives me crap about it yet in a crowd of bikes mine always get the most attention dirty or clean...One thing I love about these bikes is the abuse they can take. Ride it till it breaks the fix it and ride some more.
I have mixed feelings on both sides but mostly just ride it.... Realistically parts for engine are easy to come about.
How many miles are you all getting before something major has let go?

Thats not a question that can easily be answered, it would depend on a lot of factors. How well you maintain it, how hard you ride it, luck, etc.
If your worried about something breaking,or the long term value of the bike,post it for sale on here and let someone from here ride it the way it wants to be riden,could always buy a dime-a-dozen bike,not being an *******,but thats one of the main reasions we hunt down and buy these bikes,they are different.
Lets all be honest...there will always be parts available. I know they will not be new parts and they may be expensive but they will be there. After the parts go high enough in price all the people that aren't in love with their Buell will part them out and sell them to the guys that do like me. :D
RHYNO lets get something straight I will never get rid of the bike. This is my second BUELL and will never own another. I simply stated that it makes you think about what we own and ride when you realize what we all ride is whats left. Their is a BUELL up the rode from me that was wrecked and its taking every ounce of me not to drain the bank to rebuild it and sell it to those that appreciate it (LIKE US). I AM PROUD TO BE OF THE BUELL FAMILY. Now like you stated Im not trying to be an *******. I guess I got defensive cause i just didnt want the imagine of a fellow BUELLER not appreciating the rideability of the bike. IT WILL NEVER JUST SIT IN THE GARAGE!!!!!!! :D:D:D

2004xb12s your basicly spot on there will always be parts expensive will sure someday they will be. Also, even if they arent knew we can always refurbish them and give them a new life. :D
I don't but to each his own. I know... roll the bike into the house and wrap the house, the bike and the gloves in plastic wrap and we will see.

Just kidding. I am sure unused Buell bits will be worth something so why not put a few away. If you want some historical perspective go to ebay and look up Oakley Grips.

I've been out of the sport bike game for a long time and my favorite grips back in the day were Oakley #1's or simply "the Oakley Grip". Back in 1980 you could pick these up for $19.00. you can get a NOS pair today for $150.

Of course if you had put $20. in the S&P 500 in 1980 it would be worth $200. based on an 11% return.

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