Arghh..broke my key in the gas cap

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2008
After spending an hour cleaning and polishing my bike. I decided to open up my gas cap to clean out the area around the cap. The gas cap has been giving me problems from the very beginning. Today is the day it finally broke off. I knew it was going to happen eventually, I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon. The worst part is thats the only copy of the key I have. I was suppose to make a copy but never came around to doing it. Now I'm F@#%k, thats what I get for waiting. I could kick myself in the a$$ for that. What are my options? Am I totally screw, do I need to replace the ignition and gas cap? Or can I bring in my title to make another copy?
try to fish the rest of the key out of the tumbler.. will take time and patience. Then take to the dealer and hope for the best.. I dont know
lol..I already tried fishing it even resorted to banging it. Its really stuck in there. I had to stop because I was starting to get really pissed off. I figure I should quit before I end up sledge hammering it. I'm going to give my Buell dealer a call tomorrow.
make sure the tumbler is turned back to the right so the key can come out :)
You can get a full replacement set. I've seen it on ebay. It comes with ignition, a new gas cap, seat lock, and 2 keys. From what I remember. it was only like $100.
They'll want your VIN# to get you a replacement set of keys.
As for getting the key out.
Well, it was stuck so well you broke it off.
So bangin' it ain't gonna help...

Get a new cap and have it rekeyed...

Next time, try a little graphite in there.
Works wonders...
You can get it @ Home Depot...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest,
of most excellent fancy...and he could hold a wheelie through all five gears."

--William "Bad Billy" Shakespeare