Awesome ride!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
Bellville, South Africa
I had the chance to take the Uly out on Saturday to stretch some legs. She has been sitting for about a month, as I now use the car as my daily commuter :(

Serviced her last weekend and installed new plugs after the front plug fouled. Still had stock HD labelled plugs. I installed some NGKs and it appears the centre electrode is much thicker on the NGK plugs.


Roads were a bit wet, as our winter season is approaching so the corners were a bit of a let-down, but oh the power and grunt!

Awesome! :D

Did almost a week's worth of riding in one day. All by my lonesome and it was great! Nothing clears the mind as well as a great run!
All by my lonesome and it was great! Nothing clears the mind as well as a great run!
Here Here!! 95% of my rides are solo. It really is great for your heart,mind and soul. [up]
I think out of all the rides I've ever done, I've only ridden with people twice.
Wolfo, we did a group run with a couple we had met and their informal club (kinda "forced" into it - but that's a whole different story altogether) last year and my wife and I hated it!

The best part of the run was when the guys with super bikes had to fill up (again!) for the last stretch and I figured I had enough juice to make it home, so we pushed on.

Smooth curving road, crisp air and that twin thumping along - best part of the whole weekend!
I like solo riding and wolf pack rides I hate parades. We group into 5 bike packs when we do big rides and stagger departure times this way the pace is spirited and no clog ups and everyone rides at there own pace. We even group them to varring degrees of pace after a couple years people know what groups they are comfy with and new folks are welcomed and encouraged to not be shy in asking for a Happy Pace for them.