Baby-slick a tire???

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Hmmm...maybe like "cheater slicks" on a street driven race car? Dunno about the rest of the US but you can't run racing slicks on the street, so they make "cheater slicks" for street use. They're basically slicks with small narrow grooves cut into them. I dont know if they make something like that for bikes or not, I dont see how it would benefit.
no, it's something about properly breaking in a new tire???

The guy at the mom and pop's store down here was talking about how he'd only seen two people in the 35 years he's been open who could properly baby-slick a tire???
well LeFox, that seems to be the logical thing to do, now wouldn't it?;)

He's only there on Monday and Wednesday mornings...unfortunately, i'm not usually around a phone on those days, and when i am, i usually forget about this...

the hunt continues.:D
He is probably talking about taking off the mould release compound that is on the skin of the tire when you first run them.
He is probably talking about taking off the mould release compound that is on the skin of the tire when you first run them.
that would be my thought too, but if he has only seen 2 people doing that properly in 35 years...he must be talking about something else [confused]