Better than a Uly?? Kick ass bike

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Um, wow.

Cool idea, I'd like to take it for a rip.

Better than a Uly? Not a chance.

But on it's own, it is kinda cool.
Interesting for sure. I suppose if your objective is to get some attention from lonely old men at the coffee shop, this might be better than a Uly.

If however, your objective is to go off-road, this thing will just be unnecessarily heavy & unreliable. 'Interesting' is not much of a benefit when you're out in the back country.
i think you would get all kinds of attention, Kids especially, middle age guys who rode something like this Honda back in the 70s and 80s, and looking at the this as WTF?[confused]
For people with too much time on your hands you could find old early 1980s period advertising from Honda, photo shop them with a sportster motor into them, and then blow them up into posters, Tell whopping lies,, Yeah really, this was an attempt by Honda to get around Ronald Reagans import tariffs, these bikes were only sold in select markets and super rare now. 2 people were killed at Sturgis in 1982 while riding one, the crowd went crazy. Daytona passed a special ordinance prohibiting them just to prevent violence. Its still on the books today, You would get arrested with this bike if you showed up at Bike week with it.
Banditos, Outlaws and HA tell their prospects they get their patch fast tracked if they clothesline anyone riding one and they have to tear off the seat and bring it to the clubhouse. Thats why you dont see many of these today.

True story. Really! :D
Banditos, Outlaws and HA tell their prospects they get their patch fast tracked if they clothesline anyone riding one and they have to tear off the seat and bring it to the clubhouse.

really? never knew that. i should have gone that route. i had to rob the liquor store down the street and stab the cashier to death to get my Pagans "cut".
Mongols have to get a facebook paqe going and get at least 100 "likes" as no one really likes them anyways, Plus host at least 3 "Scentsy" parties. Initially they tried "Intimate wear" parties as the net gross is much higher but things took a bad turn when it came time to model the products, Theres some unconfirmed rumors as well that the Mongols are getting into AMWAY and other MLM schemes, Shaklee's executives are running scared. :p

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