bike only runs with the afv at 135%

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
ok guys my bike will on stay idling if i adjust the afv to 135% and i think its in a closed loop. whats that mean i need to do? replace the Intake Air Temperature Sensor? im rather confused right now and any help is greatly appreciated.

a little background on the bike, and 06 xb12r engine in an 04 frame with the 04 race ecm tune on it right now. i re mapped it my self, so i can change it back to stock and the 06 race map if i need 2.
oh and does any one have the race tune for the jardine exhaust? id love to see if thats any different than the 04 and 06 stock race tune.
My bike has the actual Race ECM box, modified stock exhaust, K&N intake, breather mod and i can not get it to run correct unless i have my AFV adjusted to 121%. I tried to set it to 100% and it runs terrible, misses across the map, doesnt like to idle, backfires through the airbox, and down on power.

Im guessing that I need to do a datalog and see where I need to adjust the maps. I've read that once you datalog, you fatten up the necessary cells by the afv%. So i could fatten certain cells by multiplying them by 121% or 1.21 I'm just not very good with computer programing stuff. Give me some tools and I can fix anything. Give me a computer and I need someone to show me first.

I would like to get it corrected because my gas mileage is terrible. Around the 30's...
sounds like the exact same problem here.. but today was my last straw.. im going to sell it. i got home and my kickstand broke... and that was just the straw that broke my back.. so im done im gonna be like every one els and get some sort of jap bike..

my thing is my bike was runing fine untill tuesday then something happened. idk what but i just road it and it ran fine just dosent idle like it should
ok ive cooled down now. it is on craigslist if any one wants it lol. but its rather over priced and probily wont sell so any help would be great.

just a quick question.. what do are plugs need to be gaped at? i think i did it right but that could be my problem
damn i missed the edit. id also like to add that it now starts and i rode it. but it starts funny. it jump up to around 2k then drops down to 750-1000rpm or so ecm spy tells me

it ran fine also when it was going did a great job was a good ride so i no its not the map. but i dont no what it could be... maybe plug gap but im not sure.

im going to do another tps reset later. maybe i fed that one up
Start with a tps reset. Reset the afv. Ride around for about 15 minutes. Is it throwing any error codes?
i did all that today twice. no codes bike rides fine. just dosent idle right witch sends me to the tps reset again.
well i did it. i bought another bike... an yamaha FZ8 2011 with 5004 miles on it.

and some one is coming to look at the buell tomorrow. and will most likely buy it.

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