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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
My birthday is the 7th of NOV. I will be turning the big 2 0

Just wondering what you all will be getting me (kidding) and when your birthdays are.:p
April, is the month everyone bows to me for the day I was brought into the world:D

Loki just think, 5 more years and your insurance will go down;)
will be 26 on August 16th.

Loki just think, 5 more years and your insurance will go down

dont get too excited... it doesnt all just come off at once, it starts to go down at this point, but very little lol, and I have a fairly decent driving record. (only one speeding ticket...on this bike)

I'm happy with my insurance being relatively cheap right now, I lost my license when I was 16 and the insurance was crazy high because I had to have sr-22 for like 3 years
Mines March 9th, will be turning 32.

Feel like I'm still in my mid 20's until I try to hang with the youngin's. The next day I feel like death.