Hey guys, I'm 62, my kid bought a 03 Blast, nice price and cool bike, I love this thumper! First bike, a lot to learn. I'm a Harley guy, so I liked this choice until now! He smashed his shift lever, bent the shifter shaft assembly. We had to zip the shaft end off just to get the primary cover off. No big deal it looks like except to get the part! HD dealer which I have no faith in anyway since mine are old 1932 Flathead and 1982 Shovel and they don't support parts. Seems they have already abandoned Buell which is no surprise. I need this Shifter Mechanism, plus gaskets. Found the gaskets and it seems they are the same as some model sportster? Can anyone help me on this, Is this 500 thumper lower end the same or nearly the same as any model sportster? I am confused because the primary gasket set seems to also fit a sportster but not sure which one. Any help would be more than appreciated. Thanks in advance!