Blast Tipped Over, Now Won't Start

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
Posting for a friend who's blast got tipped over when he left it parked on a busy street over the weekend. Ever since he hasn't been able to get it to start. Wire jostled loose or something?

Any Ideas on where to start/finish?
I'm not too familiar with those bikes. Did it possibly ruin the battery? Does it get power at all?
Isn't the blast carbureted? Maybe the float got stuck, try tapping the carburator. Also, it could be flooded. Turn the fuel line off and try starting it, that should get some of the fuel out.
None of the above - the tip over safety switch needs a good tap to reset - sometimes leaning the bike way over then up righting will do the job. May have to replace, if you can't get to reset or just delete switch as well, and end problem.
Thanks EZ, where is the tip over safety switch so I can try tapping it? In the meantime I'll have him try the lean over thing.


My lightning seemed to do the same thing when I low sided it but it seemed to start up 5 mins after the fall. Didnt have to lean it at all. [confused]
I checked with my friend again and he says that it fires but won't turn over -What exactly happens when the tip over sensor triggers? Like, does it kill it altogether, or is what he is experiencing normal?

He says it fell on the throttle side and was thinking that may have something to do with it. I told him to try the lean over thing and have to check back to see if he accomplished it.
It wouldn't be firing at all if it was the tip-over sensor. It definitely flooded out while it was down though. He replace his spark plug yet? Does his throttle work smoothly?
I'm Lee as well. [up]

I think you're incorrectly using the term "fired" and "turn over".

When the starter button is pushed, the starter "turns over" the engine.
When the spark plug ignites fuel while the engine is turning over, it "fired".
After it turns over, fires and is running, the bike has "started".

So...what does the engine do when the key is turned and the starter button pushed?

The rollover safety is next to the seat latch. Just smack it a few times.

It fell on the right side? Check all connectors and wires on that side of the engine to make sure they're still connected and not chopped in half.
Also make sure the fuel is turned on and there's fuel in the tank.
What you need is to get a hold of a Nissan CONSULT scan tool. Then create a adapter cable as described on the NISSANCONSULTTOBUELLXBADAPTER webpage. The info is free and readily available online. Once you have the scanner connected, choose MAKE->BUELL | MODEL->BUELL XB | YEAR->ALL YEARS. It will then ask to perform a diagnostic scan, so choose YES. If it finds faults, choose "AUTOMATICALLY REPAIR ALL FAULTS" and hit "SAVE". Then hit this sequence on the controller A A B A B B D C AA B. The tool will then go into SUPERADMIN mode and ask "OK TO REMOVE POWER RESTRICTIONS FOR RACING PURPOSES?". This is a trick question. Select NO. Really. Then select "SAVE AND EXIT". It may ask about "a nice game of chess", you can just disconnect at this time.

Then turn the ignition on and off 5 times while blipping the throttle after every sequence until the tach bounces. This is the ECM learning the new programming. Press SELECT on the instrument cluster, reset the B trip odometer and the display will flash 3 times. This is important. If the display does not flash 3 times, immediately remove the battery cables and let the bike "rest" for 20-30 minutes. If you do not do this, the bike will connect with BEULLNET and it will shut down the ECM making the bike inoperable forever. If this does happen, a simple TPS reset will resolve this. If it does not disable the ECM, you will need to buy a new ECM. Unfortunately, the new ECMs will be affected every time you connect them to the bike and it will ruin them.

Then turn the ignition on, flip the kill switch to run, hit the starter and the bike will run better than ever. You will immediately notice all running issues are resolved and the bike makes much much more power, as it will enable RACE mode on the bike. This feature had to be disabled from the factory and not discussed as it would create unfair competition for the other bikes being sold at the time (GSXR-1300,CBR1100XX, etc) as it would easily outdo them in performance and reliability.

If you need more detailed information, please see my posting here:

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