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May 19, 2008
Ok aside from my tire issue today, I'm going to buy some boots, but i cant decide which ones. I have it narrowed down to Alpinestar S-MX R or S-MX 2. Does anyone have either of them and if so, do you like them? I cant decide if I want tall or short. Anyone want to share some pros and cons? Here are some pics


I prefer the tall models, both for the added protection and the fact that they can be worn with full leathers as well as street riding gear. I've never owned the models above, but as far as I know, Alpinestar has never made a bad product (bought my first pair of Alpinestar boots in 1992, never had any problems with them).
I would recommend converse all stars chuck taylors. I have never owned a finer pair of riding shoes.
lol because that little flap of canvas will stop a broken ankle. Dont get me wrong chucks are my shoe of two wheels. If never owned either of those boots, but have been thinking about picking up the Icon Field Armor boots.

Thor 50/50.... These are my boot of choice, I know they are moto but they work for street just as well, and they coordinate with my cherry bomb scg to so thats pretty sweet i think, and they are cheeper then the stars
Hmm...I have some chucks, not good for riding, no grip at all on the pegs..I usually wear my army boots. But yea, Get the taller ones, more support and more protection besides you can use them with full leathers.
I love the comfort and feel of some chucks or some classic vans and I ride with both all the time. But if you go down they aren't going to do jack in terms of protection. It sucks to have to get all geared up for a quick ride to the store and I'm definitely guilty of just slipping on my vans or wearing shorts for a quick store run. Lately I have been getting a little paranoid about wrecking (probably from reading LeFoxes recent thread on safety gear) so I have been getting geared up to the teeth before riding.:D
I rode ONCE with some vans checks on and I was paranoid the whole time. I don't have leathers, but I plan on getting them soon. I just don't think its worth the risk to not have gear on. I'll never forget Soreandsorry's post about how he was just going a half mile down the street and he went down.

I know I've said it before, but when it comes to bike riders, there's only two different kinds. There's those that have been down, and those that are goin down.
Dave,I have the Alpinestar SMX1's,great boot ,very comfie,and good protection.Only real world pros/coms,if you are going to get the high boot,you will have a bit of a fitting problem with regular jeans,might not be able to get the ankle over the top portion of the boot,kinda bulkie for jeans,ok for leathers.The low cut's will fit much better with regular jeans.Both are very good products,and offer great protection,all depends on what you will be wearing pants wise when you ride.Just my 2cents;)
shilohsk8 said:
love the comfort and feel of some chucks or some classic vans and I ride with both all the time. But if you go down they aren't going to do jack in terms of protection. It sucks to have to get all geared up for a quick ride to the store and I'm definitely guilty of just slipping on my vans or wearing shorts for a quick store run. Lately I have been getting a little paranoid about wrecking (probably from reading LeFoxes recent thread on safety gear) so I have been getting geared up to the teeth before riding. :D
there are alternatives for that short ride to the store, but you will also have to ride differently.

when i'm out for the ride, i gear up and ride like i want to.
for that short 'ride to the store' i have:
- kevlar reinforced jeans with waist, tailbone & knee-pads
- a light mesh jacket with protected back, shoulder, elbow & underarm
- easy on/of touring boot
ad i ride more relaxed and deffensively.
Good tip Ryno! I tried the tall ones on today. I didn't buy them cuz they didn't have them in my size but They managed to fit under my jeans ok cuz I always wear boot cut style. They we lighter and more flexible that I thought they would be. I'm going to order them tomorrow so I'll be able to give my two cents soon :D
Here's an update on the boots if anyone cares. I got the S-MX Plus by Alpinestars. I didnt realize how low they would be. I miss that added height of my Docs. I'm a short guy so I need as much as I can get. The boots are stiff, a little too stiff right now. So stiff that its actually hard to reach my toe down under the shift lever. And now that my boots aren't as tall, I have to tippy toe it at lights, which is hard cuz the boot doesn't want to bend that way.

Other than that, I really like the boots. They are super comfortable, well ventilated, and they look bad ass. Let's hope I don't ever have to report on how safe they are in a crash, but I'm not worried about them as far as that goes. After all, that's why we pay the big bucks for gear.

I ride the Alpinestar Recon. Good street boot. Waterproof, covers the ankle and you can actually walk in them when you get off the bike.
While I know this doesn't answer your question, but for anybody else looking for boots I'd suggest Axo Lancer N boots.

Click me

Last week I crashed when a cab driver decided to slam me in the side. Anyways I fell and the peg landed and BROKE (not snapped off) on my foot, and my foot was pegged between broken peg (bike) and road for a few dozen meters. If I weren't wearing those boots I could safely say that I would've lost my foot. Nothing broken and no permanent damage, just walked funny for a week :p.

The steel wire strapping system is very comfortable and its probably as safe as it gets. And you get awesome huge blinding white sparks when you're at full lean :D.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention that the boots are still completely intact other than microscopic scratches :p.
Like I said, I was using some Docs, tall ones, but I was scared into real riding boots. A friend of mine was telling me how he knew a guy riding with regular army type boots. He went down with the bike on his ankle, and the pavement just about ground his ankle ball all the way off. I like my balls and I wanna keep my balls!

The way I see it is, you're gonna spend your money on something.... medical bills or bad ass looking gear. I prefer the one that involves less pain, but thats just me.
Some of the pros and cons from tall to short are:

pros - Better protection
cons - harder to shift

opposite of above.

Thats my experience.
As I was thinking of purchasing gaerne boots, so fastbikes, ur information really helped me in my decision!!!

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